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NEON amplifies customer confidence by displaying product availability and sold count
NEON is an innovative app that allows consumers to visualize a product's supply and demand. With info on how many products are sold out, pre-order, or available for sale, it inspires confidence as a consumer that they are buying what they want. Have you wondered what influenced your conversion rate? It is the customer confidence level in your product. Implement with your product page or collection page
- Create urgency by displaying out of stock and low stock products
- Choose your own colour and style to fit your theme
- Display stock availability to customers whether in quantity or just high/low
Content types
Display options
- Inventory count
- Sold count
- Not in stock
- Customize inventory count
- Customize sold count
$5 / month
- Inventory count
- Sold count
- Not in stock
- Inventory count on Collection page
- Variant count
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (54)
your email support is blocked from sending emails
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The response from the remote server was:
550 5.1.1 Address does not exist. QLpxEawSzZUI
overall great app easy to use!
Zero support. The app wasn't working and I opened a ticket with Neon for help and they never responded. Uninstalled.
I uninstalled it once because the settings were too complicated and I couldn't find the code. There is no need to teach you how to insert code in the middle of the code. In fact, you only need to add it in Custom liquid on the themes visual online store editing page.
Really saved me a lot of headache with setting this up for my shop. It works fantastically, also great customer service as well!
UPDATE: Still using this app. and I am still loving this app. and have not had a problem at all! I have used different themes with this app. and this app has worked perfectly every time! NO complaints. I have changed my company name though to Shop On In.
I love this app., pretty damn nice. It is very simple to install, nice looking app., I totally recommend. Oh update, I was reinstalling because ...
App support provided by syncX.
August 15, 2018
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