Global Metafields Manager
Global Metafields Manager is the new kid on the block when it comes to metafield apps. This app allows store owners to add and display custom metafields in various sections of their store, including products, collections, and pages. A standout feature of Global Metafields Manager is its ability to manage content in one central place and display it across multiple pages, streamlining the process of updating and maintaining consistent data across the store. This makes it particularly useful for stores with extensive product ranges or those looking to add specific, detailed information to their collections and products. The app’s user-friendly interface and integration with the Shopify admin make it accessible to store owners of all skill levels, offering a powerful tool to extend the default Shopify product page layout and enhance the overall e-commerce experience.
- Easily add, manage and bulk edit custom store data to provide more functionality
- Add custom fields and content for products, collections, blogs, articles, customers, orders, and pages
- Sync existing metafields from other apps and edit them
- Sync multiple stores
- Import and export new and existing data
- All files saved in Shopify to keep your data secure
- Excellent support and a team committed to improving the app over time
- 7 day free trial
- No free version

Free Guide: How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell Online
Excited about starting a business, but not sure where to start? This free, comprehensive guide will teach you how to find great, newly trending products with high sales potential.