Matrixify is a bulk import/export/update/migrate app by ITissible. It can handle the whole migration process of an entire store over to Shopify. This is another of the best-reviewed apps on Shopify. It’s used by small stores and large enterprises alike. Its almost-perfect track record tells you the quality of the service it provides and the amount of time it saves.
- Migrates all selected data over from your old platform
- Use in-built Excel and CSV templates
- Import collections in bulk and cuts days of work down to hours
- Update existing store data by individual fields, without having to re-import everything
- Copy data to other stores with a single Excel or zip file
- Export data to other marketplaces (Amazon, Google Shopping, etc.)
- Helps you backup your entire store
- Import/export all fields included in Shopify Admin by bulk update or individually
- Edit, add or delete additional metafields columns
- Import products/customer CSV files in other languages besides English
- Import from an uploaded file, URL, FTP/SFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Sheets, etc.
- Export all store contents in one file to another store or just certain data by selecting columns and applying filters
- Helps you update pricing, inventory, image alt texts, collection product positions, SEO fields, product variants, etc.
- Works with Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, WordPress, etc.
- Occasional support issues are the only negative comments from users
- The free version has a limit of 10 files at a time
Free Guide: How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell Online
Excited about starting a business, but not sure where to start? This free, comprehensive guide will teach you how to find great, newly trending products with high sales potential.