Giles Thomas, Author at Acquire Convert - Page 16 of 41

[2024] How to Add, Remove & Edit Shopify Payment Icons

What are Shopify payment icons?

It’s basic for shoppers to want to know how they can pay for things.
The methods used to pay will vary with location and the expectations of target customers but in North America, almost everyone is familiar with Visa, Mastercard, Amex, PayPal, Amazon Pay and Apple Pay at least.
Enabling these payment facilities is the first step. Doing that is a story for another post. But once you’ve enabled them, you need to let shoppers know that they are up and running and ready to use.
Shoppers will expect to see these icons somewhere on your store, usually in the footer of every page as well as on checkout pages.
Here’s how Gymshark does it, for instance:

Velasca in Italy prefer to do it like this:

This functionality can be enabled in all free Shopify themes. You can enable icons to be displayed in your store’s footer through the payment settings or by editing code in the theme editor.
Payment options icons can be added, removed or changed without changing your payment settings simply by making a few basic edits to the theme code.

How to add or remove payment icons to your store’s footer

Step 1: Access Themes

After logging in to your Shopify store, navigate to your Online Store – Themes page:

Step 2: Go to the theme editor

You access the theme editor by clicking Customize:

Step 3: Click footer

From the theme editor page’s left-hand menu, click Footer:

Step 4: Check the Show payment icons checkbox

From the menu on the right-hand side of the page, check Show payment icons:

If you want to REMOVE the payment icons from the footer on your store, simply uncheck the Show payment icons box.

Step 5: Click Save


Don’t forget to Save the changes you make. Your theme will then add or remove the icons from the footer according to your actions (note: in our demo store shown in the screenshots, no icons appear as we do not accept payments for anything from our store!)

How to edit the Shopify payment icons in the theme code

If you want to modify the Shopify payment icons in your footer, you will need to access the theme code of your store.
By default, your theme will display the icons according to the payment gateways you have enabled in the payment settings section. You’ve seen how you can add or remove all of these icons in a few clicks – but what if you want more control over what is displayed in the footer?
That’s easy too if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Themes and select Edit Code

Once you navigate from Online store Themes, select Edit Code from the Actions dropdown menu:


Step 2: Find the footer.liquid file

A list of section files will appear on the left-hand side, which you can scroll through. Navigate to the footer.liquid file:


Step 3: Start editing the code

Search for the following code in the file that displays in the main viewing panel:

{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}

Replace it with the following code:

{% assign enabled_payment_types = ‘visa,master,american_express,paypal’ | remove: ‘ ‘ | split: ‘,’ %}
{% for type in enabled_payment_types %}

Step 4: Edit the list of payment providers

In the code you just pasted, you can check the list of payment providers shown. These are separated by commas within the code like this: visa,master,american_express,paypal.
You can add to this list of payment providers. According to Shopify, any of the following payment icons can currently be added:


Step 5: Save your changes

As ever, don’t forget to save the changes you make before exiting or you will have to go back and do it all again.

How to remove Shopify payment icons from the theme code

To remove icons from the footer via your store’s theme code, repeat steps one and two above.
Then search for the payment icon code using ctrl + f and paste the following line into the code:

{% unless template ==‘index’ %}

Close the code with the following line:

{% endunless %}

That will remove the Shopify payment icons from the footer.

Show shoppers you accept their money with Shopify payment icons!

As you have seen, it’s easy to instantly let customers around the world know how they can pay for goods and services in your Shopify store.
Add, remove or edit your Shopify payment icons in your footer so that visitors know you are credible and open for business.

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Good Ecommerce Profit Margins For Shopify

What are ecommerce margins?

Store owners’ eyes sometimes glaze over when asked what their margins are. They simply do not know. Mostly, they are focused on cash flow, sales, and keeping customers happy.

Most store owners know that they should be paying attention to profit margins but many don’t. Some don’t even know what we mean by “ecommerce margins”.

Things can get a little complex with margins but it’s essential to understand the basics that we take you through here.

Put simply, ecommerce margins are the difference in price between what an online retailer and his or her customer pay for the same product. The higher this figure the better it is for your business.

When you buy your products (or buy the components to create your products, in some cases), there is a cost. The difference between that cost and what the buyer pays is the gross margin.

The deeper you go into margins, the more you learn about the ratio of your company’s profit (sales minus expenses) to revenue, the efficiency of your operation and how well you are handling the financial side of the business.

What are the different ecommerce margin metrics?

To get a truly accurate picture of your ecommerce margins, you normally need to include more than the simple cost difference between buying and selling your products.

Overheads and other variable expenses should be factored in to understand the true cost of acquiring a product.

As such, businesses generally use the following three terms with margins:

  1. Gross profit margins 

This is the revenues against the cost of goods sold (COGS).  The formula can be written like this:

Gross Profit Margin = (Total Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold)/Total Revenue

A high gross margin is a good indicator because it means you retain more money on each dollar of sales but because it does not take operating expenses into account, it is not the whole picture.

  1. Operating margins 

This includes the COGS as well as operating expenses, such as labor, rent and utilities. When compared against gross margins, this figure indicates how efficiently you control the costs/expenses associated with your operations.

Operating Profit = Gross Profit Total – Operating Expenses

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Profit/Gross Revenue

  1. Net profit margins 

Net profit margins consider the operating expenses plus taxes, interest and any other relevant expenses (this is sometimes called the “bottom line”).

It is perhaps the truest indicator of profit margin for ecommerce store owners (and all business owners). The higher this figure, the more money you have available to invest back into the business.

Every online store is different and you will need to analyze your profit margins based on your unique business.  

Ecommerce store owners must therefore consider the actual cost of the product PLUS the following factors:

  • Transportation costs
  • Rental fees
  • Wages of employees
  • Utility bills
  • Any other expenses incurred in acquiring a product

How can you set healthy margins for your ecommerce business?

Understanding the concept of ecommerce profit margins is one thing. Understanding the margins of your own products and setting and tracking your profit margins is another.

Consider how it might help your business to know for sure which products generate the best profit margins? Or the worst?

This type of information can help you make key strategic decisions for your ecommerce store, like where to invest in product development, marketing, and so on. It makes sense to focus your hard-earned dollars and other resources on high-profit products over low-profit ones.

What is a good profit margin for an online store?

A good profit margin for your ecommerce business depends on the nature of your business, the level of competition, and other factors. 

However, retailers have traditionally had lower net profit margins than other industries. Here is a great resource for checking out the average net profit margins per industry:

The data from the NYU Stern School of Business is for US-based companies and is up-to-date as of January 2021.

The first column shows the number of businesses surveyed, the second shows the average gross margin and the third column shows the net margin.

This indicates that the average net margin for ecommerce businesses is around 5 percent, while the average gross margin is 42.5 percent.

According to a survey of ecommerce companies by Marketing Sherpa in 2016, the average gross margin of products was 30 percent for smaller ecommerce stores and 37 percent for larger businesses.

So, to some extent, the average used depends on who you talk to.

As a benchmark for your own ecommerce business, we suggest you aim for a gross profit margin of around 45 percent and you’ll be on the right lines.

The Shopify profit margin calculator

Another useful tool for ecommerce merchants is Shopify’s profit margin calculator:

This tool uses a simple profit margin formula to calculate a suitable price to charge customers for products. 

Start by using it for single products. Test out a few of your best sellers and see how you go.

This should help you set accurate and realistic net profit margins for your entire business as a guideline for the future.

As you add new products, you will need to determine if they will be profitable. The work you do now on margins will stand you in good stead for that as you transform a low-margin sales focus to a high-margin focus that is better for your business.

How do you improve ecommerce margins?

Having low margins on certain products is fine – as long as you are aware of it. Low-margin products are often “covered” by the higher-margin ones.

Besides, there are actions you can take to raise the margins on low-margin products if it becomes necessary. But it generally involves more than simply raising prices.

Raise prices

Price rises may not be the best strategy if competitors are selling the same products for cheaper. In fact, if all else is equal, it may be commercial suicide as customers will flee.

However, raising prices may be the right strategy in some cases. Sometimes, a small price increase can make a huge difference if there is a high demand in the market for your products.

For instance, consider the following:

  • Item selling price: $50
  • Item cost: $37.50
  • Profit: $12.50
  • Profit margin: 33% ($12.50 profit/$37.50 cost)

What is the effect of a 10-percent price increase?

  • Item selling price: $55
  • Item cost: $37.50
  • Profit: $17.50
  • Profit margin: 47% ($17.50 profit/$37.50 cost)

A relatively small price increase results in a large increase in the profit margin (42 percent).

Note that competing on price alone is generally a poor business strategy. It’s possible to charge more for similar products if you provide extra value in other ways such as outstanding customer service and an engaging user experience.

In addition to raising prices, it’s important to consider other strategies for improving margins too…

Lower operating costs

Since operating costs are a major factor in establishing net margins, another obvious way to increase margins is by lowering operating costs.

However, as with price increases, this is best approached with caution and careful analysis before making sweeping changes.

The main expenses like salaries, utilities and rent are essential for any business and we must resist making changes that impact the processes involved in the efficient delivery of products and creating a great user experience.

Conduct an audit of the following areas of your business:

  • Salaries and benefits
  • Office or warehouse rental
  • Utilities
  • Equipment/maintenance fees
  • License fees
  • Taxes
  • Insurance

You may be able to identify areas where costs can be reduced. For instance, it may be possible to introduce new technology or software for extra efficiency or source a new supplier for a particular product or service.

Perhaps you can negotiate with existing vendors to produce your product for less without diminishing the quality.

Remember, a cost-saving that damages the customer experience may do more harm than good. It’s vital to know your customer expectations and preferences before making wholesale changes.

Increase the average order value

Average order value (AOV) is the average amount a customer spends per transaction in your store. 

Encouraging customers to buy more with each order can reduce your overheads, grow sales revenues and increase ecommerce margins.

Here are a few ideas for doing that:

  • Add product recommendations to product and checkout pages – you can recommend the higher-margin products.
  • Upsell or cross-sell with complementary high-margin products – another way to increase the AOV and margins
  • Minimum order incentives – e.g., spend “x” amount and receive 10 percent off your next order?
  • Bundle low-margin products with high-margin ones –bundling products into packages can encourage shoppers to justify spending a little more and increasing the AOV.
  • Coupons – discount coupons for higher-margin products can generate new interest in certain products that you want to promote.

Boost customer trust and market your highest-margin products to them

Store owners who invest in boosting trust and loyalty amongst customers over the long-term will not only increase sales – they will naturally increase ecommerce margins.

Shopify found in a 2019 survey that shoppers were positively influenced by “trust builders” and negatively influenced by “trust breakers”.  So, by making shoppers feel that they can trust you and your brand from the moment they land on the homepage through to checking out after paying for a product, you encourage sales and grow overall profit margins. 

Think about introducing a customer loyalty or rewards program. Selling to existing customers rather than trying to target new ones can encourage repeat purchases and be more cost-effective (and therefore kinder on the profit margin).

Rather than repeatedly offering discounts and running sales, offering incentives and rewards may be a better way to increase margins.

As you boost loyalty to your brand, start to promote the high-margin products prominently in your store as well as in email campaigns, advertising and remarketing campaigns to your customers.

Start increasing Shopify profit margins

Now you know more about ecommerce margins, make sure you calculate the margins for each of your products.

Not once but repeatedly over the years. Conduct ongoing margin analysis as the costs, pricing and competition change.

Understanding which products generate you the most profit should not be mere guesswork. Once you understand this aspect of your business, you know which products to spend marketing dollars on, how to develop similarly high-margin offerings, and which products might be discontinued in the future.

The more scientific you can be about this, the better it will serve the future of your business. The above tips should help you increase margins.