Giles Thomas, Author at Acquire Convert - Page 22 of 41
Ecommerce UX Trending

Best Shopify Themes [2024]

There are a number of components that go into creating an effective Shopify store. And with over a million users on the platform, putting your best ecommerce foot forward is so important. Pay attention to the details…A few of the things you are definitely going to want to consider in setting up your online store:

  • Ease of use. How hard is it for a user to find exactly what they need when they need it.
  • Load times. User attention spans are fairly short—and that’s an understatement. If they have to wait forever for product images to load, odds are they won’t be sticking around.
  • At the same time make sure the images look professional. You don’t want visitors to your Shopify site to think they’ve just arrived at the amateur hour.
  • Address their pain points. How is your product going to enhance their lives? Highlight this in your ecommerce store.
  • Pick a relevant theme. This one is huge. The theme you choose will set the tone for your store. Choose the wrong theme, one that somehow clashes with your messaging and it could be disastrous.

Because theme is so important, we wanted to spend some time looking at what are emerging as the best themes of 2020 and for this reason, among the most popular Shopify themes. Below are twenty themes that will not steer you wrong.



Without question, this one is apt to appear on any “Best Shopify Themes” list. As one of the newer themes, Wokiee definitely amps up the modern factor. And another bonus of this particular theme is that even for the novice designer it’s a breeze to customize for your online shop.

With templates that are perfect for showcasing everything from clothing, to sports gear, to décor, Wokiee really is among the most flexible themes currently available. It offers a combination of premade elements and that which you can add and tweak on your own as well.


Within this package, you will find 50 online demos. This means that for virtually any Shopify business you are looking to create, Roxxe can accommodate with an appropriate demo. A few of the more noteworthy categories the Roxxe theme offers include: jewelry, clothing and tools. Of course, there are many others you can search through as well with this one.

One of the plusses of Roxxe is that it intuitively integrates much needed features into your online store. For example, there is an email collection bar. There is also a built in timer option that allows you to start the clock on daily promotions.


Turbo tends to be a go to Shopify theme for larger online stores. This is because the templates were created with the idea of offering superfast loading times. So for shops with massive product catalogs this could work perfectly. Additionally, because it is geared toward broader catalog offerings, there are a number of mega menus from which you can choose with Turbo.

Also keep in mind, with this particular theme as with many of the others on this list, there are additional template pages so that you can tell your brand story, talk about the history of your store, even spotlight your team members.


This theme actually comes in two options: light earth or dark mars. Both can easily accommodate any type of store, featuring any type of products. The home page is very easy to use and able to showcase just about any variation of items you choose. From individual products, to collections, to blog posts even, what you put on your homepage is bound to look great utilizing this theme.

As far as the actual ecommerce user experience goes, Universe makes it easy. It has such features as: a slide out shopping cart, product zoom in, as well as giving you the ability to quickly and easily integrate social media elements.


Avone currently has eighteen demos that you can select from. This is definitely one of the more customizable on the list. While there are certainly some solid prebuilt features, Avone lets you do a lot with what is there. For example, you can adjust the way the logo is displayed as well as revise how the sidebar appears.

With Avone too, you get a highly user friendly mobile experience. This means you don’t have to spend hours tweaking the way that your store appears on the plethora of devices that are out there. The theme is a pretty general one, so it really is suitable for a wide range of online stores and basically any product you have to sell—from fashion items to electronics.


Pacific offers a very fresh and modern twist to the traditional Shopify theme. As its name suggests, there is an airiness and breeziness about it. And with pre added color palettes connecting back to the name, you really can create a fun and vivid online shop.

One of the great things about Pacific is that it is designed for larger inventories. So if you do have a fairly bulky catalog, this is one you will want to check out. And the ease of connecting your Shopify store to your social media with the Pacific theme is definitely an advantage.


Material is a great multipurpose theme. That said, it doesn’t fade away in terms of design. In fact, this is among the more stunning themes on this list. And with multiple mega menus available, this is certainly a great one for larger inventories.

The star of the show using Material is the product itself, without question. There’s a product quick view function, light box effect, as well as the fact that Material has one of the best product layouts. And of course it is fully customizable, allowing you to put your own spin on this highly professional looking Shopify theme.


The great thing about this theme is that there are a ton of options here. You can select from multiple homepage layouts, so you are not relegated to simply what is there. The best part though is how easy it is to work with this theme, so when designing your store, the important details are taken care of for you, to include automatic image resizing, not to mention the page is optimized for load times and navigation.

Truly one of the more user friendly themes, Ella also allows for one click check out. For those customers who don’t have time for lengthy checkouts, this is going to be a definite draw.


This definitely a highly popular Shopify theme. More than forty thousand online stores use Porto and the results pretty much speak for themselves. The theme is built for speed. That is to say, if you have a ton of products, this could be a good choice for your online store.

Many have said that Porto also ranks highly when it comes to user experience. It is extremely easy to use, intuitive when it comes to navigation, and overall presents a fast and enjoyable experience for the user.


A multipurpose, theme, Similux is simple and fairly straightforward to use, but that does not mean it is lacking in features. With four home page options, there isn’t a ton of choice but as the theme uses a drag and drop model it is incredibly easy to customize.

Similux is a highly flexible Shopify theme, so if you’re selling jewelry or home furnishings, this could work perfectly for either. And with an extensive user guide, even those with little to no design experience will be set up to create an engaging online store.



You can probably guess by the name, but this theme is a popular go-to for those looking to set up a furnishing/décor/interior design store. The theme is noted for its clean and modern appeal. Perfect especially if that is the type of décor you are selling.

Also, Furniture is a mobile first theme; meaning, on all devices your store will look amazing and be easy to navigate. The premade pages make online selling a breeze with Furniture.


Pet store owners take note…Paws is an easy choice when setting up your online store. This one keeps things super simple and thus easy to set up and use. Even if you have no design or developing experience, this site in the end, is going to look ultra professional.

Among the more responsive designs on this list, the Paws theme actually has pretty fast load times and easy optimization.


A multipurpose theme, Molla offers 24 demos to help you select the perfect design for your Shopify store. From stores featuring fashion items, to sports gear, to electronics, the number of demos associated with this theme really do give users some flexibility in terms of overall design.

With an in-depth product detail page option, you can really give customers some insight into your product line. And as this is another Shopify theme that is super easy to use, you will have no trouble setting up and launching your store.


An exceedingly popular theme, Lezada offers an incredibly 210 demos. There is absolutely no reason you won’t be able to find exactly what you’re looking for. This theme has been used to showcase everything from toys to pet supplies. It really is that customizable.

And it is loaded with features that make any online shop a much smoother experience. Quick views, notification bar, a mega menu, just to name a few. The other great feature, it is super simple to set up and launch.


With a more modern and streamlined look and feel, Boundless tends to be product specific. That is to say, its intent is to spotlight items individually. This is why the design features a massive opening page slideshow.

It is also very mobile friendly probably because the theme is so minimalistic. You really can use Boundless to showcase each and every product while making them look utterly amazing.


Striking is one word that comes to mind when viewing this particular Shopify theme. And it truly is a versatile theme. Pretty much any product you have in mind will work in terms of the Gecko theme. Not to mention, it has all the features you need to create a seamless shopping experience.

With Gecko for instance, you get a mega menu, the ability to edit via drag and drop, product searches and quick views. And what many have noted is that Gecko is highly responsive with very fast loading times—all the better for attracting those customers.

Best Shopify Themes for your new or existing store

Certainly this list is not exhaustive. New themes are constantly being rolled out. Shopify after all is the go-to platform for most looking to start an online endeavor. That said, you definitely want to do your research, find the theme that fits your store, and make sure that it has the features you are looking for. A few tips when choosing your Shopify theme:

  • There may be some trial and error involved. In other words, you may not nail it on the first try. Get into a few different themes. Play around and customize. Yes, this makes for a little extra work, but in the end it will pay off.
  • Make a list of must have features and go from there. Different themes offer different features. What are the top 3 or 4 that you absolutely know you want for your shop?
  • Paid versus free. This will likely come down to budget. If you are just starting out, odds are your budget is pretty slim. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a free Shopify theme. If you do have a little room to play, definitely explore those premium theme options.
  • What size store do you anticipate? This will factor into your theme choice. Some themes more readily lend themselves to larger inventories.

Whichever theme you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with the overall look and feel. And make sure that you are also comfortable with using that particular theme.

Instagram Trending

[Instagram Loop Giveaway] 10X Your Organic Followers Overnight

Like with most of the hottest marketing strategies on Instagram, major influencers started holding these contests – and they’ve caught on like wildfire.

You don’t have to be one of the Kardashians or Kylie Jenner to benefit though.

Loop giveaways of all sorts are currently killing it on Instagram but many brands still don’t even know what they are.

This post shows you the what, why and how of setting up your own loop giveaways so that you can drive huge volumes of new traffic to your store for more sales.

What is an Instagram loop giveaway contest?

image2 1You know the concept of putting a little in to get a lot out, right?

Instagram loop giveaways fall into this bracket. They require some resources and no little time but the potential returns make the effort totally worthwhile.

Most of you already know that contests are one of the strategies that brands use to grow their followers on Instagram.

Where loop giveaways provide a sharper edge is in teaming you up with partner brands to hold a joint contest. Any Instagram user wishing to enter will have to follow each of the accounts involved in the loop, including yours.

What does that translate to? Followers – and potentially lots of them.

All participating brands give away something – generally a product, gift card, or other free gift but more about that later.

There are two basic types of Instagram loop giveaway. Let’s assume that you won’t be partnering with Gucci, Armani or Estee, so you’ll be most interested in the second type:

  1. Big brand loop giveaways – usually run from the Instagram pages of huge influencers with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers and massive prizes offered. These can generate tens of thousands of followers almost instantly.
  2. Standard loop giveaways – this is where a group of smaller participating brands all tag each other and post the same giveaway graphic created by one of the organizers, promoting the contest and the prizes to be won.

As an example of a standard loop giveaway from smaller brands, here’s one from a company called Tiger Lily Tots:

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Included in the caption are some rules for participating in the giveaway:

* Like this post
* Follow all four brands
* Tag 3 friends
* Go to
@belbuntingsouthafrica next, follow their account, leave an emoji or a comment as to why you want to win.
* Repeat steps for each account in the loop.
* For an extra entry, share this post to your story and tag all four brands.

If you check the BelBunting South Africa account, you can see that exactly the same image is posted. It has the same caption except which account to visit and follow next.

Once an Instagram user completes the loop by visiting, following, and leaving an email/comment, they’ve entered the contest and have a chance to win the prize.

This is basically how an Instagram loop giveaway works.

Why give something away on Instagram?

Struggling to build follower numbers on Instagram?

It’s well-known that contests and giveaways boost followers – but did you know that you can achieve 70% faster growth of followers if you hold giveaways?

Tailwind analyzed over 60,000 Instagram accounts to assess how effective Instagram raffles, contests and giveaways are for follower growth. This is what they found:


For most ecommerce store owners, the key benefit of running a loop giveaway is the opportunity to “piggyback” on the success of other complementary brands, tap into their follower base, and make part of it yours.

Complementary brands generally have a similar target audience. So, you can attract new followers who will follow your account in the long term (not just during the contest).

You should, therefore, look to find partner brands, influencers, and bloggers and approach them to join you in holding a contest.

What’s the benefit for them in doing so? Well, they all grow their followers too – and if they’re not interested in doing that, why be on Instagram?

9 steps to setting up a successful loop giveaway on Instagram?

OK, so let’s get into the nine steps you need to take to run a successful Instagram loop giveaway.

1. Get familiar with how they work – join one!

Before you attempt to run a giveaway contest, you should join one or two and get familiar with how they work.

A loop giveaway involves much more than running a simple standalone contest on your feed. The loop element means that users need to visit multiple accounts. Setting this up will take coordination and management.

Get familiar with the workings of loop giveaways by checking a few old ones out here.

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Look for interesting brands and check to see if they have a current giveaway running. If so, join it and do your spying there so that you get some ideas for your own contest.

2. Select a theme for the giveaway

Consider what the theme of your giveaway will be as this will help to decide who you want to partner with.

A few examples include:

  • A particular product type – like blue dresses or silver accessories
  • A special event or holiday e.g. Christmas, Black Friday
  • A seasonal giveaway e.g. autumn, summer
  • Business types e.g. businesses selling hand-made items or small family businesses in Chicago
  • A particular cause – e.g. black women’s businesses or eco-friendly businesses

Here’s a good example of a summer giveaway for a well-defined target audience:


3. Reach out to your participating brands and connect them together

The main element that sets a loop giveaway apart from other Instagram contests is the involvement of multiple brands.

Usually, between three and 10 other brands should join you – but it can be done successfully with as few as two accounts and as many as 20, 30, or 40.

In general, the more brands that you want to participate, the more work there is for you as the organizer.

Keep away from competitors and instead approach businesses that complement yours.

For instance, if your theme is Mother’s Day gifts and you sell women’s t-shirts, you might partner with women’s accessories, shorts, or hat brands for your giveaway.

Once you know who you want to partner with on the contest, start reaching out to them:

  • Message them directly, point out the benefits and ask if they want to take part, and/or
  • Post an invite on your account, asking brands to participate and letting them know how to get in touch with you

Don’t expect many to leap at the chance. If you are trying to get five partners, you may need to send 50 messages. It does take some work.

Once you have the desired number of participating brands, start a group DM on Instagram so that you can exchange ideas on strategy, images to be used, prizes, etc.

4. Select prizes for the giveaway contest

The prizes you offer will depend on your theme, what products you sell, and how many winners you want.

It goes without saying that for your giveaway to achieve the desired results (more followers and more potential buyers), the prizes must be of value to your target audience.

Here’s what the TailWind says about prizes:


Nominating one winner is standard but sometimes each participating brand offers a prize and ships to separate winners.

Here are a few ideas…

  • Participating brands contribute towards a gift certificate:


  • Participating brands donate gifts and you create a gift bundle:


  • Participating brands all offer and ship their own gifts (to more than one winner):


5. Create your giveaway contest image and caption

You get the general idea of how your giveaway post will look from the numerous examples we’ve included already.

You may feature an image of the prizes or just a text announcement that states the value of the giveaway, for instance.

However, you can get more creative to make your giveaway stand out. This one included video, for instance, and generated thousands of views:

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There are also some fundamentals to bear in mind. Remember that all participating brands will post the same image and more or less the same announcement in the description.

So, be sure to include the following essential details in order to generate engagement:

  • The announcement of the giveaway
  • The theme
  • Which brands are participating
  • When the contest starts and ends
  • What the prizes are (and their values)
  • What the rules are for users to enter
  • The date of the winner announcement
  • How prizes will be shipped
  • Any geographical limitations (e.g. U.S. only)
  • Disclaimer to cover Instagram’s terms and conditions
  • Relevant hashtags


6. Send the giveaway details to all participants

All participating brands need a copy of the image and the caption text that they will post to announce the giveaway to their own audience of followers.

Send it to them at least a few days before the giveaway starts and make sure that they know what to do from there – what time it starts and finishes and who needs to be tagged and when etc.

Without each participating brand following the guidelines, there will be a broken loop and entrants to the giveaway may be confused and become disengaged.

Walk each participating brand through the process.

7. Post, promote, and follow up

Before you launch, you might like to create a “teaser” post that prepares your followers for the prizes they can win in your giveaway…something like this:


Then, post the contest image and caption at the time that the contest is due to begin. Your fellow brand participants should do the same.

You can promote your loop giveaway on other social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter, with a link back to the Instagram post.

Ideally, your post will immediately gain traction. However, if the response isn’t what you expected, don’t hold back from reminding your followers to check out your giveaway post and follow the instructions to win a prize:

8. Announce the end of the contest and choose a winner

You can announce the end of the giveaway with a “contest over” or “now closed” image and/or by announcing it in a caption where you also announce the winner(s).


All the participating brands should also follow your steps and post the same images/announcements to keep things consistent.

Then, the moment your followers have all been waiting for – announcing the winner.

To do that, you’ll probably need to choose a random number between one and the number of entrants. Then match this number with the order of likes for your giveaway announcement post.

So, if you choose 13, the 13th person who liked your post wins the prize.

Here’s a great way to announce it:


Then contact the winner, get their shipping information, and ship the prize.

For everyone else, it doesn’t hurt to remind them where they can buy the items included in the giveaway (on your store or participants’ stores).

You could even offer a follow-up discount or free shipping on the items for a limited time as a way of thanking them for entering the contest.

9. Review and reach out after your giveaway

The loop giveaway is over but your work is not complete until you’ve reviewed the campaign and reached out to the new followers you’ve attracted.

It’s important to consider the lessons you learn from your first loop giveaway so that you can tweak your next one.

Start by asking your participating brands how they thought it went. Considering their feedback is important if you want to partner with them again for future contests.

Perhaps your partners have some ideas for improving future contests?

Or maybe you decide that these partners were not effective and you want to try a new batch of brands next time.

As you review your giveaway contest, some of the key questions to ask yourself include:

  • How much time did it take to organize the contest?
  • How much did we spend on the giveaway?
  • What was the participation rate?
  • How many new followers did we attract?
  • What was the cost per new follower?
  • How many new followers did participating brands gain?
  • Was the entry process clear enough?
  • What feedback (comments) did we get from participants?
  • Was it promoted well enough?

This should at least provide some benchmarks for future giveaways and highlight where you may be able to fine-tune the process.

It should also help you consider whether it was a good use of your time and resources.

What results can you expect?

It’s unlikely you’ll be worrying about the cost of what you gave away when you see the returns from a successful Instagram loop giveaway.

Instagram contests are said to generate 3.5 times as many likes and 64 times more comments than regular posts, on average.

With the loop format, these stats really can go into overdrive and generate hundreds or even thousands of new followers overnight if you get it right.

Some new followers will join for the giveaway and you’ll never hear from them again but that’s to be expected.

If you follow the steps above and structure your loop giveaway using the ideas that have worked for other successful brands, you will attract high-quality new followers – and shoppers. You will forget the ones who go quiet on you.

Instagram loop giveaway for Shopify

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

Instagram loop giveaway contests take some time, planning, and management to be successful. You can’t just throw them together.

But considering the potential results should show that whatever you put into your contest, you will get much more out of it.

Are you ready to start experimenting with your own loop giveaway?