Top 5 Best Shopify Customer Tagger Apps [September, 2024]

Top 5 Best Shopify Customer Tagger Apps [September, 2024]

By Giles Thomas | Last updated July 17, 2024

This guide helps ecommerce store owners to compare and find the best Customer Tagger apps for Shopify. Customer Tagger apps are popular for ecommerce businesses that want to a way to notify their customers when products are back in stock. However, with the variety of Shopify apps for Customer Tagger, it can be challenging to find the ideal app for store owners’ individual needs.

To help ecommerce store owners make the right choice, the attributes of available Shopify apps have been assessed considering: features, price, free trial availability, app store rating and free app options.

This guide compares five companies for merchants to review and find the optimal Customer Tagger app for their needs. To help them make an informed decision, a quick comparison table of the best Customer Tagger Shopify apps is shared below, followed by in-depth reviews and frequently asked questions.

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Quick comparison of the best Shopify Customer Tagger apps

#App NameDeveloper NamePricingRatingFree TrialImageAction
1 WHF Smart Tags wehavefaces $1.99/month 3.2/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
2 SC Customer Tagging Shop Circle $5.99/month 5.0/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
3 TR: Auto Tag Orders, Customers LiteSky LLC $5/month 4.9/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
4 Beacon Fraud Protection Lizuna KK $0.03/month 4.4/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
5 Cartmojo Cartmojo $20/month 0.0/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app

Top Shopify Customer Tagger apps reviewed

Table of contents:

How to Find The Best Customer Tagger Shopify App?


These five Customer Tagger apps for Shopify are ranked based on the following criteria: 

  • Features 
  • Price
  • Rating on the Shopify app store
  • Free trial availability
  • Free app options
  • Compatibility with other top apps
  • Number of apps the app provider operates 
  • Pros and cons
  • Built for Shopify badge 
  • Reviews and assessment by AcquireConvert


What are Shopify Customer Tagger apps?

Shopify Customer Tagger apps are tools that help online stores categorize and manage their customers by automatically applying tags based on specific criteria. These apps streamline the process of customer segmentation, enabling more effective marketing and personalized customer interactions.

One of the main features of Shopify Customer Tagger apps is the ability to automatically tag customers based on rules set by the merchant. These rules can include criteria such as purchase behavior, geographic location, or engagement levels. This automation reduces manual work and ensures consistency in customer data management.

Another key feature is customizable tagging rules. Merchants can define specific conditions for tagging, using a variety of criteria and logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT. This flexibility allows for precise and detailed customer segmentation, helping businesses target their marketing efforts more effectively.

Real-time and retroactive tagging capabilities are also significant benefits. Tags can be applied to new customers as they engage with the store, and retroactively added to existing customer data, ensuring all records are up to date and accurate.

Automated notifications are another important aspect of these apps. They send out alerts when customers meet certain criteria, keeping merchants informed and enabling timely marketing actions.

Integration capabilities are essential, as these apps often integrate seamlessly with other Shopify tools and third-party apps, enhancing their functionality and ensuring smooth data flow across platforms.

Customization options are available for merchants to tailor the tagging process to their specific needs. This includes setting up custom tags, notifications, and workflows to match their business requirements and branding.

Overall, Shopify Customer Tagger apps are valuable tools for improving customer segmentation, enhancing marketing strategies, and personalizing customer interactions. They offer significant benefits in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. For more detailed information and options, exploring various apps available on the Shopify App Store is recommended.


What is the best way to send a Customer Tagger notification to customers?


The best way to send a Customer Tagger notification to customers involves clear communication, effective timing, and the use of reliable tools. First, utilize automated notification systems provided by Customer Tagger apps available on Shopify. These tools automate the process of notifying customers based on the tags they receive, ensuring timely and consistent communication.

Personalization is crucial. Address customers by their names and include specific details relevant to their tagged behavior or purchase history. Personalized messages make the communication feel more relevant and engaging to the customer. Additionally, using multiple communication channels enhances the effectiveness of your notifications. Sending notifications through email, SMS, and push notifications ensures that customers receive the information in their preferred format.

Timing is also important. Send an initial notification as soon as a customer is tagged, followed by periodic updates related to their interests or actions. Ensure that your notifications are clear and concise, providing all necessary information without overwhelming the customer.

By combining automated tools, personalized messaging, multiple channels, and timely communication, you can effectively manage Customer Tagger notifications and enhance the customer experience.


Do Customer Tagger convert to sales?


Yes, Customer Tagger apps can significantly enhance sales by enabling more targeted and personalized marketing efforts. By automatically tagging customers based on their behaviors, purchase history, and other criteria, merchants can create segmented lists that allow for precise targeting.

One key benefit is improved customer segmentation. With detailed tags, merchants can send highly relevant promotions and product recommendations, increasing the likelihood of conversion. For example, tagging customers who frequently purchase a particular product category allows for tailored marketing campaigns that appeal directly to their interests.

Additionally, personalized communication made possible through tagging leads to higher engagement rates. When customers receive messages that resonate with their specific preferences and past behaviors, they are more likely to respond positively and make purchases.

Customer Tagger apps also help in identifying high-value customers. By tagging customers based on their spending patterns, merchants can offer exclusive deals and loyalty rewards to retain these valuable customers, boosting repeat purchases and overall sales.

Overall, by leveraging the detailed data provided by Customer Tagger apps, merchants can enhance their marketing strategies, improve customer relationships, and ultimately drive more sales.


Conclusion: Best Shopify Customer Tagger Apps


It requires time and effort to compare and evaluate features of the various different Customer Tagger Shopify apps to find the ideal option. 

Shopify store owners must evaluate relevant information to make the optimal choice for their needs. 

This guide does the challenging work for merchants by comparing and evaluating the top choices for different Customer Tagger Shopify apps. The results of our analysis of the best Customer Tagger Shopify apps are listed below: