Advanced Collections vs Category & Collection Sort |KX Alongside Comparison [January, 2024]

Advanced Collections vs Category & Collection Sort |KX Comparison

This side-by-side contrast helps users who are puzzled relating to choosing in between Advanced Collections and Category & Collection Sort |KX to find the most effective Shopify Category application for their ecommerce service needs. It checks out the essential characteristics of both Shopify Category applications to help merchants in contrasting their services and making a notified selection.

To aid customers in selecting in between Advanced Collections and Category & Collection Sort |KX to uncover the best-suited app, listed below is a list of both application benefits and drawbacks, together with a contrast of their usual application attributes, consisting of functions, developed for Shopify qualification, cost, cost-free test accessibility, app store ranking and cost-free app choices.

Advanced Collections vs Category & Collection Sort |KX Summary


Category & Collection Sort |KX

Rating: 4.9/5 ⭐️
Developer Name: Kimonix

Category & Collection Sort |KX, developed by Kimonix, is a cutting-edge tool designed to enhance product display and merchandising for Shopify store owners. Launched in May 2020, this app stands out with its advanced features, helping merchants optimize their online storefronts.

A key functionality of the app is the Advanced Collection Manager, which allows store owners to build smart, multi-segment, automated collections. This feature offers a high level of control and customization, enabling merchants to tailor their collections to match specific business strategies and customer preferences. Additionally, the Smart Collection Resort feature uses analytics and personalization to sort collections, thereby improving the shopping experience for customers by showcasing the most relevant products.

The app also excels in AI Product Recommendations, providing 1:1 personalization across the store. This capability enhances product discoverability and relevance, encouraging customers to explore more products and increasing the likelihood of purchases. For stores focused on optimizing conversion rates, the Collection A/B Testing feature is particularly valuable. It allows merchants to test different product sorting strategies and collection setups, helping identify the most effective approaches for engaging customers.

One of the unique aspects of the app is the creation of personalized collection landing pages, specifically tailored for email marketing campaigns. This feature is designed to increase conversions and customer engagement by providing targeted and relevant product selections to potential buyers.

Category & Collection Sort |KX offers multiple pricing plans, starting at $19/month, catering to the needs of various business sizes. The more advanced plans include additional features like A/B testing, AI personalized collection-emails, and more frequent updates, providing even greater flexibility and capability for larger or more complex stores.

Free Trial: yes
Free Plan: No
Price Starting from: $19/month
Built For Shopify: No
  • 14 day free trial
  • Advanced Collection Manager allows building smart, multi-segment, automated collections
  • Smart Collection Resort feature sorts collections using analytics and personalization
  • AI Product Recommendations provide 1:1 personalization across the store
  • Collection A/B Testing enables testing of product sorting strategies and collection setups
  • Creates personalized collection landing pages for targeted email marketing campaigns
  • User-friendly interface integrates seamlessly with the latest Shopify themes
  • Frequently updates collections, ensuring real-time accuracy and relevance
  • Supports white labeling and returns integration in higher-tier plans
  • Praised by users for improving conversion rates, driving sales, and managing inventory efficiently
  • There are occasional reports of users needing more customization options for specific sorting and merchandising needs
  • A few users have reported a learning curve in understanding and utilizing all the app’s features effectively

Advanced Collections

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐️
Developer Name: Voidworks

The Advanced Collections app, developed by Voidwork, enhances Shopify store owners’ ability to create and manage collections. Launched in May 2019, this app extends beyond Shopify’s default collection settings, offering more sophisticated and flexible ways to organize products.

A key feature of Advanced Collections is the ability to create collections with advanced conditions. This functionality allows store owners to group products more precisely, tailoring collections to specific themes, promotions, or customer preferences. The app provides sophisticated sorting options, enabling users to sort collections by various criteria such as publish date, updated date, or discount percentages. This level of control ensures that products are displayed in a way that aligns with the store’s marketing and sales strategies.

Another significant advantage of Advanced Collections is the inclusion and exclusion of products based on tags, keywords, or specific criteria like price comparisons and discount percentages. This feature helps store owners to dynamically adapt their collections to changing inventory levels or sales trends. Additionally, the app can push products with certain tags or zero inventory to the front or back of a collection, aiding in effective inventory management.

Integration with the Shopify admin is stress free, ensuring that the app functions smoothly without impacting the online store’s speed. The app is available in various pricing plans, starting at $5.99 per month for the Essential Plan, making it accessible for different sizes and types of Shopify stores.

Free Trial: yes
Free Plan: No
Price Starting from: $5.99/month
Built For Shopify: No
  • 7 day free trial
  • Creates collections with advanced conditions for more flexibility
  • Sorts collections by various criteria, including publish or updated date
  • Includes or excludes products based on tags or keywords
  • Pushes products with certain tags or zero inventory to the front or back of a collection
  • Offers advanced sorting options, like sorting by discount percentages
  • Allows the creation of non-sale collections for promotional purposes
  • Boosts productivity by simplifying the collection creation process
  • Supports different pricing plans for various Shopify store needs
  • No free plan available
  • Longer loading times for bigger stores

Advanced Collections vs Category & Collection Sort |KX Comparison Conclusion

It calls for effort and time to compare and evaluate features of the numerous different Shopify Category apps to discover the optimal alternative. Shopify shopkeepers must examine relevant info to make the ideal selection for their demands.

This side-by-side contrast guide does the difficult work of bring the Category applications for sellers to compare and examine the top options for various Category Shopify apps.