Searchanise Search & Discovery vs Extensiv Order Manager Alongside Contrast December, 2024

Searchanise Search & Discovery vs Extensiv Order Manager Comparison

This side-by-side comparison helps customers that are puzzled pertaining to choosing in between Searchanise Search & Discovery and Extensiv Order Manager to situate the most effective Shopify Plus app for their ecommerce service requirements. It examines the needed characteristics of both Shopify Plus apps to aid vendors on the other hand their remedies and making an alerted selection.

To assist customers in selecting between Searchanise Search & Discovery and Extensiv Order Manager to discover the best-suited application, below is a checklist of both application benefits and drawbacks, together with a comparison of their typical application characteristics, consisting of attributes, developed for Shopify qualification, price, complimentary test schedule, application shop ranking and totally free application alternatives.

Searchanise Search & Discovery vs Extensiv Order Manager Summary


Extensiv Order Manager

Rating: 4/5 ⭐️
Developer Name: Skubana

Formerly known as Skubana, Extensiv Order Manager serves as a centralized control center, providing a comprehensive overview of your order and sales operations, inventory status, and fulfillment strategies. It empowers you to automate repetitive tasks, establish order management rules, enhance order handling capabilities, and receive timely notifications for critical matters. With this platform, you can efficiently manage various sales channels while maintaining full visibility into orders, inventory, and fulfillment operations.

Free Trial: no
Free Plan: No
Price Starting from: $1,000/month
Built For Shopify: No
  • Extensiv powers orders, inventory and business intelligence for the world’s top high-volume brands and retailers
  • Connect and import orders from every channel you sell on, including online shopping carts, marketplaces, retailers, and point of sale systems
  • Print shipping labels from all major carriers or automatically route your orders to 3rd party fulfillment centers, all from one centralized place
  • View, manage, and synchronize your entire inventory across all sales channels, warehouses, 3PLs, dropshippers, and FBA distribution centers
  • No free trial or free plan
  • Might be out of budget range for some smaller startups

Searchanise Search & Discovery

Rating: 4.7/5 ⭐️
Developer Name: Searchanise

Having an effective search facility on your Shopify store is a basic requirement that many stores under-estimate the importance of.

Search can be the difference between customers being able to find exactly what they want quickly and bouncing away.

The out-of-the-box search feature that comes with Shopify is good for starter stores but Shopify Plus clients will want something more powerful and feature-heavy.

A search app like this is a basic first step to improving conversions.

Free Trial: yes
Free Plan: Yes
Price Starting from: $19/month
Built For Shopify: No
  • Free plan available
  • 14 day free trial
  • Helps visitors search your store effectively with collection filters, instant search, and smart search
  • Provides advanced personalized CDN search with instant suggestions, autocorrection, synonyms, redirects, and stopwords
  • Unlimited auto filters, quick view, add-to-cart options, and reviews
  • Cross-sell and upsell options with merchandising, customizable product labels, and recommendation blocks
  • Integrates with Yotpo so that customers can filter search by product reviews and ratings
  • Access to CSS and HTML to customize the look and feel of your search facility
  • Infrequent reports of some bugs/glitches

Searchanise Search & Discovery vs Extensiv Order Manager Comparison Conclusion

It needs time and effort to compare and evaluate features of the various different Shopify Plus applications to locate the suitable choice. Shopify store owners have to examine relevant info to make the ideal selection for their requirements.

This alongside contrast overview does the difficult work of fetching the Plus applications for sellers to compare and review the leading choices for different Plus Shopify apps.