Giles Thomas, Author at Acquire Convert - Page 13 of 41
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How to Add Schema Markup to Your Shopify Store?

What is schema markup and why is it important?

Schema markup is also known as structured data. It is a piece of code used to provide extra information to search engines so that they better understand your content.

This code also provides potential customers with more detailed and accurate information in the form of the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the page title in search results.

So, schema markup is a double-edged sword for ecommerce sites. It helps both the search engines understand your content and potential customers find your products.

Search results that have schema applied inform the user faster and more completely because of the rich snippets, which provide information beyond the standard page URL, title and description.

You’d be right in thinking that’s kind of a big deal — considering it simply requires adding code and no investment in any marketing campaign (unlike most actions designed to generate traffic and customers).

Here’s an example of a rich snippet that searchers will see after you apply schema markup to your pages:

Rich Snippet Shopify

So, searchers see not only the standard URL, title and description of your pages but also the number of reviews, product ratings, and price ranges.

Compare that to the following screenshot of organic search results in Google, which includes a listing of the same products without rich schema markup:

Rich Snippet vs No Rich Snippet Shopify

Which one is a potential customer more likely to click on?

You can see how important schema markup could be for your Shopify store. It provides valuable information about products that help your listings on the SERPs stand out and encourage click-throughs. That means more customers and more sales in your store.

Some estimates suggest that rich snippets generate 35 percent more clicks than standard organic listings with “normal” snippets.

Different markup/structured data types are available for different products and content types. So, fashion and apparel product markup will carry different details to cooking recipes, for instance.

Google search for developers explains more for your store’s developer to select the correct markup and follow the correct Google schema guidelines when implementing it.

How do you add schema markup to your Shopify store?

To add structured data or schema markup to your Shopify Store, you can choose one of two ways — either by adding it manually or using a plugin to help you.

The first method: manual

To add schema tags manually to your Shopify store:

  • Log into your Shopify store’s admin section
  • Click on ONLINE STORE THEMES (See 1 on screenshot below)
  • Click on ACTIONS (See 2 on screenshot below)
  • Click on EDIT CODE (See 3 on screenshot below)

Go to Google Developer or copy the following code for your single product page and paste it on your HTML code.




    <script type=”application/ld+json”>


      “@context”: “”,

      “@type”: “Product”,

      “name”: “Example”,

      “image”: [





      “description”: “Write here description of your product.”,

      “sku”: “Example”,

      “mpn”: “Example”,

      “brand”: {

        “@type”: “Brand”,

        “name”: “Example”


      “review”: {

        “@type”: “Review”,

        “reviewRating”: {

          “@type”: “Rating”,

          “ratingValue”: “4.5”,

          “bestRating”: “5”


        “author”: {

          “@type”: “Person”,

          “name”: “Your Name”



      “aggregateRating”: {

        “@type”: “AggregateRating”,

        “ratingValue”: “4”,

        “reviewCount”: “89”


      “offers”: {

        “@type”: “Offer”,

        “url”: “”,

        “priceCurrency”: “USD”,

        “price”: “19.90”,

        “priceValidUntil”: “2020-06-20”,

        “itemCondition”: “”,

        “availability”: “”,

        “seller”: {

          “@type”: “Organization”,

          “name”: “Example”









  • Verify that the page you added the code to is still active and visible using Google’s structured data testing tool or the Rich Results Test.
  • If everything looks good, you can add further information:
    • To show product data in the rich image view, include the name, price, currency properties, and image.
    • To showcase product data in the Related Items feature, include the name, image, cost, price currency, and availability data.

The second method: use a plugin

For most readers without technical expertise, using a plugin to add schema markup to your Shopify store will be the preferable option.

Here are some of the best schema markup plugin options available on the Shopify app store:

Schema Rich Snipapets for Shopify

Simply install the structured data app and it will integrate with your Shopify store. Follow the prompts to add schema.

Without getting too technical, these apps are set up to automatically deliver details to the search engines with structured data in JSON-LD format.

Again, once the code is added, ensure that your pages are correctly marked using the structured data testing tool or the Rich Results Test.

Which pages on a Shopify store should include schema markup?

Structured data should be applied to the following pages of your Shopify store:

  • Product pages
  • Collection pages
  • Blog and article pages

Markup to scale up!

The fact that schema markup involves adding code to your Shopify store should not deter you. Follow up with your developer about adding the code to your store — it’s simple enough to do.

The benefits are too great to ignore:

  • Helps search engines better understand the content/products in your store
  • Helps customers view relevant information about your products quicker and in greater detail
  • Encourages more click-throughs to your store’s product pages

These considerable benefits come at virtually no cost (except developer time). So, adding schema markup and enabling rich snippets for your product and collection pages on the search engine results pages should be a “no brainer”.

In short, add markup to help your store scale up!

Shopify App

Shopify Mega Menu: All you need to know to create high converting navigation

What Is Mega Menu?

Mega menu is a drop-down, expandable menu that displays many choices at once. It allows users to reach different pages on the website from the main menu.

3 Tips You Should Keep In Mind When Creating High Converting Mega Menu

Tip 1: Keep It Simple:

This standard also applies to mega menus. You can add anything to them doesn’t mean that you should do this. Regarding Lick’s Law, more options mean users need more time to make their decisions. You should create mega menu to help users easily scan and find the categories they need by using headings effectively. Or you also consider using bold text or labels/badges to highlight important products or categories.

For example, Sephora uses bold text to highlight sub-categories such as eye, lip, cheek,…

Make your menu stand out by adding badges such as “New”, “Sale”,…

Tip 2: Prioritize Your Mega Menu

You should organize your menu based on priority. Let’s think about the order of your menu’s options because pages displayed closer top or bottom are automatically prioritized in the visitor’s mind. To optimize your mage menu, you should analyze all the data in the user’s behavior and prioritize the option you want to see.

Focusing on the navigation structure is the one thing you should know to make it right. Grouping related products make it easier for potential customers to find what they’re looking for. You can also view and compare groups of products with similar characteristics. This makes it easier for end-users to buy. There are two types of hierarchies you should apply to create a high converting menu: Main categories and Subcategories

The navigation structure of Best Buy

For example, Best Buy shows many different main categories in their mega menu such as Computers, Tablets, & Accessories; Cell Phones and Accessories; etc. Then when you click on any main categories you will see its subcategories.

Tip 3: Add Products In Your Navigation

Many of your customers are probably looking for products for sale. Therefore, you can display sale items and best seller items on your mega menu. This way your customers can find products more easily. And that will help you shorten and optimize buying process of visitors.

Moreover, the smart mega menu also directs visitors to the right destination that they want. Much of this depends on how much you understand what your customers want. Based on customers’ insights, you can recommend products in mega menu to encourage them to try this product.

MAC Cosmetics shows their product named “Mac stack” on their menu to promote their new product line

Display products on the menu help you sell more products by using Smart Menu by qikify

Or you can use images to help users visualize easier

Should We Use Shopify Dashboard Or Apps To Create Mega Menu?

There are 2 common ways to help you create a mega menu, which is using your Shopify Dashboard and using Third-Party Applications. Let’s compare the features, advantages, and disadvantages of these methods:

Adding a Mega Menu is fairly straightforward using your Shopify dashboard. It allows you to create a basic mega menu with a dropdown to show subcategories. However, using the Shopify dashboard has a lot of limitations in terms of features. On the other hand, Shopify applications give you many features and a real-time preview experience that makes it easy to customize your menu and increase high conversion by promoting your products.

The Shopify App Store is a library of exciting applications for your store that can help you simplify your store’s management and improvement. A quick search for “menu” will give you about 168 results.

💡 Recommendation: Smart Mega Menu (by qikify) – One of the most installed Mega Menu apps on Shopify helping you create a menu with a fully customizable design and zero code requirements.

How To Create Mega Menu With Smart Menu By Qikify:

Smar Menu (by qikify) is one of the most installed Mega Menu apps on Shopify. It is widely trusted by many Shopify merchants. Smart Menu helps you:

  • CREATE easily and quickly a mega menu with templates that can be used as a base to develop your menu
  • IMPROVE store design with fully customizable features
  • ENHANCE customer experience by using clear and flexible navigation
  • GET MORE SALES by promoting featured products, collections, banners with flexible widgets
  • DESIGN different menus for desktop and mobile

Full Tutorial: Step by step to create the Shopify store’s menu in 10 minutes

Smart Menu Full Tutorial: How to build your Shopify store’s menu in 10 minutes

Step 1: Install Smart Menu (by qikify) HERE to create high converting mega menu for your online store

Step 2: Open app to add a new menu and basic setting for main menu:

Click “Add a new menu” on the left panel or click “New menu” on the preview

Then you will create your menu by using one of 2 methods which are

  • Method 1: Build from scratch by choosing “Bank”, you can see a tutorial to create mega menu by yourself HERE.
  • Method 2: It’s easier because Smart Menu has provided you with ready-made templates. You can choose many types of layouts to design your navigation bar. Then mouse over to the top menu and click on the pencil icon to redesign and edit menu.

Step 3: Add submenu items:

  • After adding a top menu (or main menu) you will need to sub-items of it. On the left panel, click the drop-down button next to menu items to see all submenu items.

  • Then you can click “Add submenu” on the left panel or “Add item” in the preview to add a new submenu. In case, if you want to customize or edit your submenu items, you can click on pencil icon.

Step 4: Add menu to your store and design your menu’s style:

  • In this step, you can choose a current menu on your store to be replaced with Smart Menu. There are 3 methods: Auto – Replace Main menu, Manual – Replace menu from Shopify, Manual – Replace menu by CSS selector.

  • You are also able to set the animation and trigger it to view your menu. Smart menu also provides some styling options to help redesign and style your menu such as changing color, font style, size of text, size of the menu, etc.

Step 5: Click “Save” to save the new menu > Click “Enable app” toggle to display new menu on your store

Best Shopify Mega Menu App

These are a few tips and guidelines for creating high-converting navigation. Hope this helps!