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Magento to Shopify Migration Guide [2024]

You’re probably wondering how involved the process is…whether your customers will notice… how much downtime there will be… whether your SEO rankings will suffer… how it will affect the bottom line.

All valid concerns for any store owner. But the migration is easier than you think – if you’re well prepared and use the right tools.

In this brief guide, you’ll find out the basic steps you need to take to migrate from Magento to Shopify.

What’s all the buzz about Shopify?

Over the past 12 months, the buzz around Shopify has grown as it has evolved into one of Canada’s largest companies.

Shopify is one of the few enterprises to emerge from the pandemic in a healthier state than when we entered it.

From new commercial partnerships with Google to a record high share price, all the recent news about Shopify seems positive.

In ecommerce terms, it is well set up to rival Amazon in the future. This buzz has got many stores on other platforms wondering whether to make the move.

Many are probably put off by the perceived complexities of switching platforms. That’s not without reason – migrations can be disasters if they are not managed properly.

Large and small stores alike need planning and expertise for everything to go smoothly. But the momentary effort and disruption will be worth it as you build a business that can scale for the future.

Shopify can support the traffic volumes you’re looking for and integrates with existing tech stacks. It looks after the ecommerce backend for you and is secure, user-friendly, flexible. affordable for almost every store owner, and home to many high-growth merchants.

Shopify and its wonderful ecosystem of supporting apps that add so much usability, functionality, and profitability to stores is ready and waiting for you.

Magento to Shopify migration in 6 easy steps

A migration or “re-platforming” moves all the components of your existing website from one place to another. Just like moving home, that can be disastrous without the right planning and assistance.

Follow these steps for a successful migration that gets you set up and ready to go on Shopify.

Plan for optimized SEO and site structure

Planning and preparation are key to a smooth migration. This will involve an audit of the existing site. Without this, you’re asking for trouble – especially with SEO and your rankings.

Many things can change when you migrate. Each of the following can affect rankings and SEO performance:

  • URLs (Shopify has a strict URL structure:
  • Internal linking structure
  • HTML code
  • Content

You will want to reduce the risk of a negative impact that could damage the traffic, visibility and rankings of your store after you move to Shopify.

To plan for the potential SEO effect, your audit should pay special attention to the following:

  • Key search terms that shoppers are currently using to find your store
  • The main content on your existing website that attracts visitors – the main traffic-generating pages should be prominent in your thinking during the migration process
  • Backlinks – understand your backlink profile and which are the most important links on the existing site

You will also need to address the site structure you want for your new Shopify-based store. Is your current site architecture poorly optimized? Is it affecting search?

If so, the migration to Shopify presents an opportunity to fix this up and optimize it for the future. Consider the following elements of your existing site and how they are structured:

  • Product pages
  • Collection pages
  • Categories
  • Hub pages
  • Static pages (e.g., About, Contact, etc.)
  • Blogs
  • Other important content

You need to decide whether to migrate the entire existing site or only certain pages, with a view to adding newly written pages to the new store after the migration.

There may be outdated information on your Magento store that is best left behind. This needs to be part of the audit.

Basic data that storeowners generally want to migrate includes:

  • Product and collection data
  • Tags
  • Embedded images and videos
  • All customer information
  • Manufacturer information
  • Order history and status data
  • Pricing and discount information
  • Tax information
  • SEO settings – including 301 redirects
  • Reviews

In this planning stage, sit down with your store designer/developer or another technical expert. Go through the technical issues besides SEO and site structure that will affect the migration.

Being prepared for technical hiccups is all part of the migration process.

Choose a migration method

Once you have your plan, it’s time to think about putting it into action: how are you going to organize the migration of all the data you have identified in the first step?

Here, you have several options:

  • A ready-made migration app that automates the process
  • Combining a ready-made app with native apps for migrating specific types of data
  • A customized manual solution using an external agency

Your decision will probably need to balance the urgency of migrating with the costs involved and the amount of data to be migrated. The larger the store, the more likely a custom migration is required.

For smaller stores, migration apps have made great strides in recent years. You can read about one of the best ones below.

If you don’t use one of the apps, you’ll likely need to hire a developer who specializes in Magento migrations.

Take some time to consider the best way to migrate your store as your choice will affect the stress levels you experience as the store owner during the migration process!

Back up your Magento Store

Whichever method of migration you use, nothing should happen without a full backup of your store data.

The migration may not go entirely to plan the first time, so you need to ensure you can switch back to a previous version of your store.

There are plenty of online tutorials to help with backing up a Magento store.

Migrate and test

Once you hit GO and your data starts to migrate across to the Shopify platform, there won’t be much to do for an hour or two – or many hours for larger stores.

Whatever the size of your store, you need to test it thoroughly once the migration is complete and before you cut over and go live. There will likely be a few bugs to iron out and fixes to apply.

Run some test orders through to the checkout and make sure that the most important functions in your store are working properly. Check that the customer data is organized correctly and displays properly.

Restyle your store and reoptimize content

When you move to Shopify from Magento, your store is not going to look exactly the same.

You will likely choose one of the dozens of excellent pre-made Shopify themes though some larger stores design their own customized theme from scratch.

Once you have chosen your theme, go through the content on each page and make sure that it is styled in the way that you want, consistently from one page to the next.

This may also be a good time to double-check and re-optimize content if some pages on the old site were underperforming.

Switch over permanently to Shopify

Once all the testing, restyling and reoptimizing is complete, pick a suitable time to cut over to the new store on the Shopify platform.

This is usually done during the quietest trading period in the week. A few orders may trickle through during the cut-over period and these will need to be checked and reconciled but, basically, after that, you’re done.

You can start planning for a bright Shopify store future.

Which Shopify migration app should you use?

You shouldn’t be too surprised, given the entire universe of apps available and designed to make life easier for Shopify store owners that there are apps to help you migrate from Magento.

From our experience, the standout app is Cart2Cart.

All store data like products, customers, orders, categories, images, and much more can be migrated from Magento to Shopify in a few clicks with the Cart2Cart app.

Once you’ve decided on the data you want to migrate and provided your current store details, you can set up your migration with Cart2Cart in five minutes.

You can then run a free optional demo or launch a full migration. Migrating 5,000 entities will take no more than an hour.

Cart2Cart is free to install and guarantees 100 percent secure and accurate data migration, so all your sensitive details are safe during the import process. You can even preserve your order IDs and SEO after the switch.

Use the Shopify free trial

Shopify offers a free trial. Before you commit to migrating everything over, why not give it a go first. Familiarize yourself with its main features and themes. Check out what other Shopify-based store owners are doing.

You will also have access to the customer support team at Shopify to help you become more familiar with the platform.

From Magento to Shopify Migration Guide

A Magento to Shopify migration should not be taken lightly. Sure enough, it’s a big change.

But the beauty is that if you plan it well, your customers will barely notice and you’ll still be able to provide the same superb service as before but with improvements. Once you’re up and running with Shopify, you’re in good hands.

You can look forward to doing more, improving the user experience, making life easier for you and your team and growing with one of the quickest growing companies in the world.

Consider it an investment in the future of your store.

Shopify App Trending Review For Shopify [2024]

This Stamped review takes a look at what the platform does, how it does it, and what it charges for the privilege. You can decide if it’s right for you.

What is Stamped?

The Stamped platform promises to“Increase brand loyalty. Accelerate brand growth.”

Just as its promise suggests, the platform is split into two well-defined services:

  1. Reviews and ratings
  2. Loyalty and rewards

You can choose either or both of the services. So, what does each one offer?

Reviews, ratings and UGC

Reviews, ratings and user-generated content (UGC) fit into the “accelerate brand growth” part of the promise.

If you’ve been running an ecommerce store for any length of time, you’ll know how important social proof is to your business.

One five-star review from a happy customer is worth pages of professional marketing copy waxing lyrical about your business. It just means more when others say it.

So, you should already have an active review-gathering strategy that reaches out to customers and encourages or incentivizes them to leave a review.

If not, may be for you.

You need to manage the review process to make sure that you extract all the marketing “juice” out of your positive reviews – without it taking much of your valuable time.

Stamped helps you increase the number of reviews, improve your rating, and show the world how good you are. That boosts sales.

Generate more reviews

Firstly, helps you generate more reviews.

It automates the process of gathering reviews, enabling customers to easily submit and share their positive reviews with friends on social media.

There is an in-email form to help with this.

The reviews are valuable in their own right when displayed on your website but they can also be used for retargeting ads and on social media channels to boost the perceived value of your products and services.

Reviews rich snippets can even help your search rankings on Google for product AND collections pages.

It is a fully automated system that works with you barely lifting a finger once it’s set up. No more manually sending emails to customers begging for positive reviews.

With Stamped, you can send automated SMS requests for reviews:

Make reviews more engaging

If you think reviews are just about text and star ratings, think again.

With Stamped, your customers get to add photos and videos as well as a text review. This user-generated content can be priceless and can, essentially, do your marketing for you.

Reviews are made more engaging and show potential customers how others are using your products in real-life situations – not just in the photo studio.

There are more than 10 different on-site display widgets (Carousel, Side Drawer, All Reviews page and more) to provide options for displaying the reviews you gather.

Do more with your reviews

Photo and video-based reviews can be shared on social media or form the basis of advertising campaigns (with social banners) or other marketing programs.

You can easily import and collect reviews from Facebook, FB Messenger, AliExpress and Klaviyo with one or two clicks.

You can even convert Instagram media into shoppable galleries and retargeted ads using your reviews:

When you send a review request to a customer, Stamped makes it easy to also request visual content. Reviews can even be gathered from the checkout page:

Incentivize reviews

You can incentivize photo or video reviews by offering coupons to reviewers:

Measure customer happiness

Stamped has an inbuilt customer experience rating system. Its simple metric uses a scale of 0 – 10, capturing information about your customers’ experience and satisfaction levels when shopping with you.

This is a good indication of loyalty to your brand and, over time, can help to pre-empt problems by flagging when satisfaction levels drop.

Manage, monitor and moderate reviews

Arrange for someone to moderate and analyze reviews regularly so that you manage your all-important online reputation effectively.

This is made easy with Stamped’s moderation dashboard that allows you to handle it manually or with the help of AI:

The in-depth reports about the reviews you gather help with insights into how campaigns are progressing – and allow you to tweak the strategy to gather more positive reviews if necessary.

Loyalty and rewards

The second major feature set of the platform deals with building loyalty and providing rewards to help increase revenue and grow the business.

The reviews help you win new customers. Loyalty and rewards help you keep them.

Loyalty program

Stamped provides a customized and branded loyalty program that rewards customers for purchases, referrals and more.

Points-based campaigns increase repeat purchases and motivate your customers to come back for more, creating loyal brand advocates who can help promote you through their social communities.

Treat your best customers like VIPs

Stamped helps you roll out the red carpet for your very best customers with its VIP program.

You can create sophisticated VIP “tiers” and perks to promote loyalty, motivating your biggest spending and most loyal customers to keep coming back.

You get a fully customize VIP rewards page including your logo, colors, images, etc.

Reward customers for referrals

Your most loyal customers can also bring in new customers with Stamped. A custom referral program rewards your customers for referring their friends and family to your store.

Details can be shared by customers through all major social media channels and by using SMS, WhatsApp, email, and more.

Rewards can include points, free shipping and in-store discounts/coupons.

Main pros and cons of Stamped

Pros is used by many thousands of Shopify merchants and stores although it integrates with other platforms too.

Whether you’re just starting out or already run a well-established store, there’s something for you with this platform.

This is reflected in the wide range of pricing options available.

The free version is attractive for startups while the business and professional plans will work for growing or more established businesses. There are even enterprise versions available, as evidenced by its use by HBO, Colgate, SodaStream, etc.

The platform has received well over 5,000 reviews and maintains an average Shopify user rating of 4.9/5 stars – no mean feat.

According to users, some of the main positive features of Stamped include:

  • Ease of set up and use
  • Full product suite for gathering and managing reviews
  • Full product suite for promoting loyalty and rewards
  • Ability to import existing reviews, request reviews from past orders and start collecting reviews within minutes
  • Increases customer engagement throughout the buying journey
  • Competitive pricing with a free version available
  • Highly customizable with logos, fonts, colors, etc.
  • Mobile-optimized responsive and works with any Shopify theme
  • Combines AI with manual moderation of reviews
  • Available in English, French, German, and 15+ languages
  • 3-day free trial of paid versions available
  • Strong customer support


Some store owners have suggested that the pricing is a little high – but there is a free version and the different plans available mean you can step up your usage as you grow.

Some useful features (like integration with Google Shopping) are only available on the enterprise version.

Occasional comments about the user-friendliness of the UI are almost always promptly dealt with by the support team, which is encouraging to see.

The free trial is only three days so once you’ve started it, there’s no time to sit back and contemplate the meaning of life! It’s time to start gathering reviews. Pricing

The pricing for Stamped is separated into three options:

  1. Reviews & Ratings
  2. Loyalty & Rewards
  3. Full Suite

So, if you just want the reviews and rating features, you can select a plan from FREE up to $249/month for the Professional plan (or custom pricing for larger Enterprise brands):

If you just want the loyalty and rewards features of Stamped, you have the option of a FREE plan up to $399/month for Professional and custom pricing for Enterprise.

And if you want both (“Full Suite”), you have the options of FREE, $179/month (Business), $549/month (Professional) or custom pricing for Enterprise.

Here’s a reminder of what the FREE plan gets you with the Full Suite package: Review for Shopify

For one automated marketing platform, Stamped covers a lot.

It focuses on two main areas – reviews and rewards – that are key to attracting and retaining more business for ecommerce stores.

It’s well worth a free trial at least to see if it’s right for you.