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Commerce Inspector and Chrome Extension Review for [2024]

It’s no secret that competitor research and analysis can be the difference between success and failure in ecommerce. But did you know that it’s never been easier to do this – and you can even do it for free?

Tools are now available to simplify the competitive analysis process and save huge amounts of time. Browser extensions that can the job in just a few clicks.

Commerce Inspector is one such tool that helps you analyze competitors quickly and effectively – either through its free Chrome extension or via its paid web version.

If you made a New Year’s resolution to start following all of the best moves that your competitors are making in 2021, this Commerce Inspector review will help you get it right….

What is Commerce Inspector?

Let’s learn how to use Commerce Inspector.

Think of Commerce Inspector as a legal way to track and spy on your competition. “Competitive intelligence”, if you like.

This simple tool comes as a web-based app or free Chrome extension that allows Shopify store owners (all types of stores, including dropshippers) to analyze competitors without breaching privacy or data security laws.

It is a site-properties identifier, designed for scanning ecommerce stores and collating all the information it receives into an easily intelligible format.

The type of information it can track and uncover is:

  • Competitor product launches
  • Best-selling products of competitors
  • A store’s app usage
  • Competitor traffic
  • Competitor ad campaigns
  • Competitor sales

Commerce Inspector is not a particularly new tool but major updates to its capabilities (including traffic and social media ad analysis) have caught the eyes of some of the most successful stores out there.

This has created more buzz about the tool, leading to this review.

Which browsers does the Commerce Inspector Extension work with?

The Commerce Inspector extension is available only for the Google Chrome browser at present.

It works on both the Mac and Windows PC versions of the browser but does not work with Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

Commerce Inspector: Main features and benefits

Let’s tale a look at the main features and benefits of Commerce Inspector:

Easily analyze the best-selling and newest products in a store

Which are the best-selling products in a competing store? Which new products have been added recently?

This is vital information if you are researching potential new products for your own store – either to refresh your product catalog or to increase options for your customers.

Even the free Commerce Inspector Chrome extension allows you to check new product launches and the best-selling products in any given store.

Analyze sales figures

You can find out the number of units sold per month and the revenue generated – for as many stores as you like.

While such in-depth sales analysis is not available on the free browser extension, extensive features are available on the premium paid versions, including shop level revenue, product-level revenue, last week’s bestsellers, and so on.

Analyze which apps a store is using

Maybe the next killer app is already out there and you have missed it?

Could there be little-known apps you haven’t heard of that do exactly what you’ve been looking for?

In many ways, a Shopify store is only as good as the apps that it uses. The Shopify platform is the best around but your success is greatly influenced by your ability to identify and employ the best apps to enhance the user experience and grow sales.

Commerce Inspector will crawl competitors’ websites and identify which apps are currently in use by competing stores so that you can go off and investigate whether they’re right for yours.

Analyze the amount and origin of traffic

Commerce Inspector allows you to track and analyze the traffic arriving in any store.

This includes:

  • The number of visits per month
  • The origin of traffic: social, paid referrals, mail, referrals, search engines, etc.
  • The social networks that the store is active on

Advanced search tools

The premium paid versions of Commerce Inspector have advanced search features, such as the ability to search products across shops, search apps across shops, etc.

Analyze Facebook ads

If a store is currently running ad campaigns on Facebook, you can find out what type of ads it is running on the paid version.

You can also access inactive ads from the past. This can give you plenty of ideas for your own ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Commerce Inspector: Free Chrome extension vs paid app

Are the premium paid versions of Commerce Inspector worth the monthly fees?

The paid versions vary from $29/month to $299/month. What you are prepared to pay probably depends on how many stores you run and how established they are.

All of the paid versions include the same feature set but vary in monthly fee according to how many stores they cover: from three stores up to an unlimited number of stores (designed for marketing and store management agencies to use).

If you time it right, you may be able to get a free or discounted trial of a paid version. At the time of writing this Commerce Inspector review, a three-day trial of the Grow plan was available for just $1.

The free version looks and feels the same but certain key information available on the premium paid versions is blurred out.

Here’s a quick overview of the basic differences between the free Chrome extension and the paid version:

Free Chrome extension

This free plugin allows you to track:

  • All-time best sellers
  • Recent product launches
  • Product launches by tag
  • Product launches by day
  • Apps used

Premium versions

The PAID versions include unlimited data and allow you to track:

  • All-time best sellers
  • Recent product launches
  • Product launches by tag
  • Product launches by day
  • Apps used
  • Shop-level revenue
  • Product-level revenue
  • Last week’s best sellers
  • Search products across shops
  • Search apps across shops
  • Top selling and trending shops lists
  • Current ad creative live
  • Historical ad creative

You will need to create an account with Commerce Inspector even to use the free Chrome extension.

From there, it is a good idea to try the free version to see if it tells you what you need to know. You can upgrade to a paid version from there, once you know the ropes and providing the additional features add value to your store.

Summary of Commerce Inspector pros and cons

Main pros

  • A comprehensive tool that regularly improves its feature set
  • Allows you to easily track multiple aspects of competitors: products, app usage, sales, traffic, social media, ads, etc.
  • Very simple to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Free Chrome extension available

Main cons

  • The free Chrome extension does not provide access to all features
  • The premium paid versions may be beyond the budgets of smaller stores
  • No tutorial readily available

Who will benefit most from Commerce Inspector?

Commerce Inspector brands itself as providing “all the insights and inspiration you need to scale and grow your store”.

It is geared towards dropshippers – as you can see from this screenshot of the homepage:

But whether you’re just starting out with your Shopify store or you are already established and are just looking for a new competitive edge, the benefits of using the Commerce Inspector extension should be clear.

Sometimes, established stores become complacent and stop doing the things that their success was built on.

If that’s you, this tool can help you get back on track with rebuilding and re-working your store.

Similarly, if you’re just starting out and wondering which products and apps to prioritize for your store, this tool has what you need.

Commerce Inspector Alternative

Check out our post [11] Ways To Spy On Your Shopify Competitors for alternative to spy on competitors.

Commerce inspector helps you hain a head start on your competitors…

The Commerce Inspector tool and Chrome extension is not the only tool doing what it does but it is one of the simplest, most comprehensive, and most effective.

There are Shopify stores that use this tool exclusively for competitive analysis and are killing it.

The free version of Commerce Inspector is a great starting point and, as it is already well-established, there are very few downsides to using it to improve your ecommerce store. There’s a lot to gain and nothing to lose by giving it a go.

Shopify App

MyyShop Review [2024]


Dropshipping is a smart and growing form of ecommerce that has enabled many smaller merchants and entrepreneurs around the world to get started with their stores – without the upfront expenses or time commitment to logistics that are generally required for successful ventures.

You can’t do it alone, of course. To be successful, you need reliable partners to do the heavy lifting with dropshipping. Otherwise, you end up with order fulfilment headaches, irate customers, and everything quickly descending into chaos.

MyyShop is a relative newcomer to dropshipping but is already making its name as a dependable and affordable dropshipping partner for merchants in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere.

The service provides access to a well-stocked and varied marketplace of products that can help you start, establish, and grow your store without the commercial pressures: no renting warehouse space, managing inventory, packaging products or arranging shipping.

MyyShop looks after all that for you, so that you can focus on the parts of the business that really need your attention – like sales and marketing.

What is MyyShop and who’s behind it?

The MyyShop platform was created in August 2020 to provide trusted and reliable tools that help merchants set up, establish, and grow stores with its advanced dropshipping services.

It is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based platform that can be accessed by a convenient app for store owners on Shopify and eBay.

The MyyShop services help store owners sell and ship products reliably to multiple locations around the world, including the US and Europe.

You and your store do the selling and the order taking. Suppliers and manufacturers on the MyyShop platform do the rest, making sure that each order is reliably packed and sent to your customers as quickly as possible from one of the 10 operational warehouses around the globe.

More than 60 percent of the products are shipped from warehouses in the US and Europe.

A comprehensive supply chain system


Smart software & technologies


A streamlined online e-commerce experience for customers

MyyShop provides a dedicated one-stop service for Shopify and eBay stores.

Its founders DHgate were established in 2004 and are  now one of the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplaces in China. SHgate provide access to over 2.2 million suppliers and over 23 million products in China and elsewhere.

With a strong presence in the USA and UK, as well as multiple other locations across the globe, DHgate served more than 28 million registered buyers from over 220 countries and regions in 2019.

The company is committed to helping global users establish online businesses with ease.

What can MyyShop do for you and your store?

Most mercahnts encounter significant challenges to setting up a new store. Not only are most markets very competitive but startup costs can mount up.

The customer experience is everything with ecommerce and this also accounts for plenty of sleepless nights for merchants.

MyyShop can help you reduce that cost burden, while also setting your mind at ease by providing high-quality products and suppliers, an efficient supply system, rapid fulfillment of orders, a well-developed and proven full-channel logistics system, and reliable after-sales service.

MyyShop suppliers are carefully researched and quality-checked with top products from manufacturers short-listed.

Prices are extremely competitive, saving important dollars for your business as it gets going.

The marketplace features over 150,000 products with this number growing daily. At present, there is a special focus on consumer electronics, home, and outdoor sports products but the number of product categories is growing too.

And, with products shipped from more than 10 warehouses in the USA, Europe and elsewhere, fast local dispatch and delivery is assured.

Myyshop features

  • Large marketplace of verified manufacturers
  • Access to competitive wholesale prices for products
  • Easy to find and import high-quality, profitable products to your store
  • Discover sales trends, and track and analyze the competitiveness of products
  • Automated syncing of price and stock to Shopify and eBay
  • Premium return and exchange policy for users
  • MyyShop takes responsibility for exchange or refund of products if quality issues arise
  • Under some conditions, products can receive refunds without return
  • Connect only to verified and reliable global manufacturers in a variety of industries
  • AI-assisted product recommendations to help identify profitable new products to grow store revenues
  • Shortlists of products and recommended prices by sales volume, price, and region, etc.
  • 24/7 live WhatsApp customer service offered with multilingual support (including English and Spanish)

Myyshop pricing?

MyyShop is priced at$16.66/month, which is billed once per year at $199.90. This plan allows you to import up to 1,000 products.

A “lighter” monthy plan is also available, which allows up to 500 imported products and provides email support. This is priced at $9.90 per month or $26.90 for three months.

Why get on board with dropshipping?

The future for ecommerce has never been brighter.

Nationwide lockdowns and travel restrictions during 2020 and 2021 have driven more people online to do their shopping. There is still a window of opportunity for ambitious merchants to take advantage of a growing trend towards ecommerce that is not set to reverse any time soon.

The global retail e-commerce market size is expected to reach US$6,297 billion by 2024, growing at a compound annual rate of 12.62 percent (source: eMarketer).

Grand View Research also estimates that the global dropshipping market will be worth US$ 557.9 billion by 2025, recording a compound annual growth rate of 28.8 percent between 2020 and 2025.

Who should consider using MyyShop?

The opportunities for micro businesses, small and medium enterprises, and ambitious individuals who want to create new streams of passive income is clear.

Dropshipping is the way forward – but at the same time, merchants are understandably and rightly wary of who they partner with.

Because dropshipping can be so lucrative, many services out there are looking for a slice of the action. Yet they offer sub-standard services – and not just businesses from China. Dropshipping services all over the world fail to deliver what they promise and turn logistics into a lottery.

Being careful with your selction of partners is wise. There are many “moving parts” at play when fulfilling orders. Get it wrong with a customer once and that customer is unlikely to come back. The market is competitive – buyers have options and they will simply go elsewhere.

It seems like a waste of your time and effort to take orders only for your dropshipping partners to let you down. All of those energies going towards marketing and selling products only for third parties to gazump you.

Do your research and find reliable dropshipping services that boost your reputation – not ruin it.

MyyShop is designed to do that, helping you not only retain existing customers but grow your store through smart product selection and a superb back-end experience. It helps you get off to the right start and maintain momentum with your store once you’re up and running.

Myyshop Review

If you’re looking for a reliable partner to help you get established and build a reputation as a Shopify entrepreneur, MyyShop provides an ideal opportunity to start.

For a limited time, MyyShop is offering a 14-day free trial.

Check out all the features of the app, scan the marketplace for potential products and suppliers, and start populating your store with all of the best products.

Even if your store is now just a concept, you can start buiding it with the help of MyyShop.