Top 10 Shopify Email Marketing Apps [July, 2024]

Top 10 Shopify Email Marketing Apps [July, 2024]

By Giles Thomas | Last updated April 3, 2024


This guide helps ecommerce store owners to compare and find the best email marketing app for Shopify. Email marketing apps are popular for ecommerce businesses that want to set up automated email campaigns. However, with the variety of Shopify apps for email marketing, it can be challenging to find the ideal app for store owners’ individual needs.

To help ecommerce store owners make the right choice, the attributes of available Shopify apps have been assessed considering: features, price, free trial availability, app store rating and free app options. 

This guide compares ten companies for merchants to review and find the optimal email marketing app for their needs. To help them make an informed decision, a quick comparison table of the best email marketing Shopify apps is shared below, followed by in-depth reviews and frequently asked questions.

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Quick comparison of the best Shopify Email Marketing apps

#App NameDeveloper NamePricingRatingFree TrialImageAction
1 Klaviyo: Email Marketing & SMS Klaviyo $30/month 3.8/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
2 Omnisend Email Marketing & SMS Omnisend $16/month 4.8/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
3 Privy – Pop Ups, Email, & SMS Privy Operations $30/month 4.6/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
4 Automizely Email Marketing, SMS AfterShip & Automizely $11/month 4.9/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
5 Marsello: Loyalty, Email & SMS Marsello $135/month 4.5/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
6 Seguno Email Marketing Seguno $35/month 4.7/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app
7 Sendvio: Email Marketing & SMS Sendvio $11/month 4.9/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
8 Avada Email Marketing & SMS Avada $16/month 4.9/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
9 Mailchimp: Email Marketing Mailchimp $13/month 3.4/5 ⭐️ no image Get app
10 SmartrMail Email Marketing SMS SmartrMail $14/month 4.8/5 ⭐️ yes image Get app

Top Shopify Email Marketing apps reviewed

Table of contents:

How to find the best email marketing Shopify app?


These ten email marketing apps for Shopify are ranked based on the following criteria: 

  • Features 
  • Price
  • Rating on the Shopify app store
  • Free trial availability
  • Free app options
  • Compatibility with other top apps
  • Number of apps the app provider operates 
  • Pros and cons
  • Built for Shopify badge 
  • Reviews and assessment by AcquireConvert 


What are Shopify Email Marketing apps?


Shopify email marketing apps are tools adept at enhancing and refining email marketing. Central to these apps is their automation feature, enabling merchants to execute timely email campaigns like welcome messages and abandoned cart reminders. The personalization capability stands out, utilizing customer data to craft targeted messages, thus boosting engagement. Another integral element is newsletter management, which aids in the effortless creation and dissemination of updates to subscribers.

The inclusion of analytical tools in these apps is crucial, offering insights into campaign performance with metrics such as open and conversion rates, guiding strategy refinement. Customer segmentation, a prominent feature, categorizes customers for more precise communication. The apps also ease the creation of visually appealing emails with customizable templates, lessening the need for complex design skills. Their integration with Shopify ensures seamless data synchronization, elevating marketing efficiency.

Compliance with legal standards in email marketing is meticulously managed, balancing marketing reach with legal obligations. Beyond emails, some apps incorporate SMS marketing, expanding the avenues of customer interaction. The A/B testing feature, allowing for the comparison of different email versions, optimizes email strategies. Collectively, these features render email marketing apps vital for Shopify store owners, streamlining marketing processes and fostering business growth.


What is email marketing?


Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves actively sending emails to a list of subscribers for promotional or informative purposes. To use it effectively, you should start by building an email list through sign-up forms on your website or during the checkout process. This list becomes a direct line of communication with your audience.

Segmenting your audience is crucial once you have a list. This process involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on specific criteria like purchase history or geographic location, allowing for more targeted and relevant email campaigns. The content of your emails should engage and provide value to your subscribers, including newsletters, product updates, or exclusive offers.

Personalizing emails with the recipient’s name or tailoring content to their interests significantly increases engagement. You should also focus on the design of your emails, ensuring they are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and reflect your brand.

Complying with legal regulations like GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act is essential, requiring you to obtain consent to send emails and offer an easy unsubscribe option.

Testing and optimizing your email campaigns are critical for success. You should employ A/B testing to try out different aspects of your emails, like subject lines or call-to-action buttons, to discover what works best with your audience. Based on these insights, continuously refine and improve your strategy.

Finally, maintaining a regular schedule for sending emails keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them. Integrating email marketing with other channels like social media or your website creates a more comprehensive marketing approach. Ensuring your emails are mobile-friendly is also important, as many people use mobile devices to read emails. By focusing on these strategies, you can use email marketing effectively to build customer relationships, enhance brand awareness, and drive sales.


How do I get customer emails on Shopify?


In Shopify, you can strategically collect customer emails by creating and strategically placing sign-up forms across your website, such as on the homepage, within blog posts, or as pop-ups. This placement ensures maximum visibility and user engagement. Offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content access effectively encourages sign-ups.

You can also capture customer emails during the checkout process, a crucial interaction point. The content of your emails plays a key role in retaining subscribers, so focus on delivering valuable and engaging content, such as early access to products or special deals. Extend your newsletter’s reach by promoting it through social media channels and including email sign-up forms there.

Hosting contests or giveaways that require email sign-up can be a powerful tool for growing your email list. If your Shopify store has a blog, embedding a call-to-action for email subscriptions can attract interested readers. Be transparent about email usage and privacy to build customer trust and emphasize your store’s commitment to data privacy.

Comply with email marketing laws like GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act to ensure your email communication is legally sound and respects customer preferences. Regularly analyze your email collection strategy with analytics to assess and optimize your methods. This ongoing process helps develop a robust and engaged email subscriber base, essential for effective email marketing.


Conclusion: Best Shopify email marketing apps


It requires time and effort to compare and evaluate features of the various different email marketing Shopify apps to find the ideal option. 

Shopify store owners must evaluate relevant information to make the optimal choice for their needs. 

This guide does the challenging work for merchants by comparing and evaluating the top choices for different email marketing Shopify apps. The results of our analysis of the best email marketing Shopify apps are listed below: