Giles Thomas, Author at Acquire Convert - Page 40 of 41
CRO Ecommerce UX

[Form Conversion] An In-depth Guide to Form Optimization

In this in-depth guide to ecommerce store web form optimization & conversion optimization we’ll learn about:

  • Different types of forms we can optimize
  • Designing for efficiency with UX best practices
  • Customer development for forms
  • Conversion copywriting for forms
  • How to support your conversions
  • How to design a high converting form

We’ll explore each chapter looking at hard data from case studies and tests. No opinion or fake one size fits all advice.

Throughout the guide I’ll give tips on form conversion best practices & form conversion rates. Actionable ideas you can start testing today, with a control of course 😉

What types of forms are you optimizing?

When it comes to conversions there are four main types of forms we are interested in:

Lead Form Optimization

  • Contact forms
  • Subscribe forms


  • Checkout forms

User Provisioning

  • Sign Up forms


  • Task oriented forms

Lead generation forms include getting in contact with a business or joining an email list.

Ecommerce forms are all about buying things.

User Provisioning forms are about creating new users.

Productivity forms are about getting things done within the websites or apps we create, like online banking.

But whatever forms you work with, you can analyse the user flows and funnel data and improve their conversion rate.

Designing for efficiency – User experience best practices for forms

When you think about designing forms, the words you use are probably not the first thing on your mind.

But words, even descriptive ones for input labels for example, really matter.

Simple and clear wording can be the difference between someone easily and confidently completing your form or bouncing.

Jason Fried of 37Signals famously said.

“Most copywriting on the web sucks because it’s written for the writer, not for the reader. Write for the reader. That is all.”

Copywriting IS interface design, every word matters as much as every icon and pixel detail.

Your forms name should describe its purpose

The first part of your forms interface the user reads is the header, the forms name. Make sure this describes the purpose of the form to the user clearly and concisely.

Not only that, use action words to create a call-to-action.

Let them know what the results of completing the form is and encourage them to do it.

For example:


CRO TIP: Make sure your form title describes the purpose of the form and uses action words.

Don’t Use Yes / No Dialogs

As we know users scan they don’t read websites, and the speed a user completes a task in a web app affects how efficiently they can use the app and ultimately if they renew their membership or cancel it; it affects the apps churn rate.

So getting the details right in your forms ux is crucial even within the application itself.

One very common mistake I see in copywriting for productivity or task orientated forms is misuse of the yes / no dialog.

‘Yes / No’ or ‘Confirm / Cancel’ provides no context to the user.

A classic example is the Windows 7 delete dialog.

Simply looking at the buttons communicates nothing to the user.


Assume the user will read nothing but the buttons, therefore tie button labels to the questions directly.


Here we tie the button with ‘Save Worksheet’ back to the question. Speeding up the task for the user and making the form more efficient.

CRO TIP: Make sure to tie your buttons back to the questions for maximum efficiency.

Placeholder text within the form field harms usability

Some forms replace their label by putting instructions or hints within the input field using the placeholder.



Eyetracking studies however show that users focus more on empty fields. They waste time finding non-empty fields and can even overlook those fields completely. This could be a conversion disaster.

Also, as soon as the field is selected the user has to remember what its purpose was as the placeholder disappears. This might mean deleting what they wrote to check the placeholder again, slowing down the completion time; increasing friction and potentially decreasing conversions.

When the user submits a longer form they would be unable to check their data entry against the labels and any validation errors would again mean deleting the content to reread the placeholder.

If they use the tab key to move through the fields, the field placeholder would disappear before they even made a new eye fixation on that section of the form.

CRO TIP: Don’t use placeholders as labels, they are meant be used as hints or to display example input data

Label placement in forms matters

And it is not only the misuse of placeholders as labels that can slow down the completion time of your forms. The placement of labels in relation to the input field itself can cause unnecessary friction to the user too.

In this case study by uxmatters they found that the placement of labels in forms can affect the speed with which the form is completed.

They recorded the eye tracking data for three main tests.

  • Left aligned labels in-line with field
  • Right aligned labels in-line with field
  • Left aligned labels above the field


Labels left aligned and in-line with the field were the hardest to read as they required the user to take two eye fixations per input/label due to the distance between the elements.


Labels right aligned and in-line with the fields performed better than the left aligned.


But they found that labels above the form field allowed users to capture both the input and label in one eye fixation. Making it the fastest and easiest form to read.

CRO TIP: Place your labels above the input fields, left aligned for the fastest reading experience.

For long forms test against an in-line right aligned label control, perceived friction can be high when forms look really tall and long! Placing the label in-line makes them appear smaller.

Form validation should be inline

When a user submits a form there are often errors.

Some forms group the error messages at the top of the form.


This makes it hard for the user to find the and fix the errors as each time they complete a task they have to scroll back to the top of the form to read and then find the next error.

In this above example they highlight the fields by making the labels red. However it is better to show the fields validation errors in-line as seen below, with the reason for the error displayed next to the input.


According to this study by Luke Wroblewski you can achieve even greater results when the in-line validation is in real-time. E.g. it updates as the user fills out the form.

[youtube_sc url=”″]

In this video you can see as the user completes the forms it feedback in real time with validation confirmations or errors.

When compared to a control which only validated once the user submitted the form. The real time validation saw these results:

  • a 22% increase in success rates
  • a 22% decrease in errors made
  • a 31% increase in satisfaction rating
  • a 42% decrease in completion times
  • a 47% decrease in the number of eye fixations

The tests also showed that the validation error is best shown after each section of the form is complete. E.g. when the user moves to the next field or ‘on blur’ of the previous field.

Finally they found that persistent messages, error or confirmation messages that remained visible; didn’t fade away based on time were the least confusing.

CRO TIP: Test your form validation, make sure the error messages are inline with the fields and if possible real time validate your fields after completion with persistent feedback messages.

Radio vs Dropdown

When your users are faced with options they are often slowed down. We want to ensure our forms are efficient to complete so when it comes to radio buttons and dropdowns it is important we choose the right tool for the right job.

In this case study from Marketing Experiments they tested radio buttons against dropdowns in a single factor a/b test.


The control used radio buttons.


The variation used a dropdown menu with the same options.

The hypothesis stated that the dropdown would increase conversions of the sign up form as it made the form shorter and decreased the perceived friction of the form.

However, the radio buttons beat the dropdown option with a 15% relative lift in conversions.

This was believed to be due to the difficulty orientated friction that arose from the dropdown field which was greater than the length orientated friction the longer radio buttons had.

CRO TIP: Make sure to test your dropdown against radio buttons to ensure your forms friction is as low as possible.

The right and wrong way to create a ‘Mad Lib’ form

Jeremy Keith creator of Huffduffer created the Mad Lib form. The idea behind the concept is that you have the normal form input field for entry, however the form is laid out and presented as a narrative.


The right way to do Mad Lib tested this form concept with an A/B test that compared a traditional form against a mad lib style one.

The mad lib style form increased conversions 25-40%, see the two forms below.


The wrong way to do madlib

In this case study from Kalzumeus they saw a significant drop in conversions with their mad lib variation, let’s look at the two form designs.


The control, the traditional form style


The variation, the mad lib form style.

The traditional form converted at 27.5% while the mab libs form converted at 21.73%. A 22% decrease for the mad libs style with a 95% confidence level.

The issue was when you replace the inputs with the data the narrative does not make sense.

CRO TIP: Mad libs can be tricky to get right, ensure when testing a mad libs form variation against a traditional form control that your narrative once populated makes grammatical sense and does not confuse the reader and decrease conversions as in this example.

Asking for the password twice is not efficient

The premise behind inputting a password twice is to ensure the user doesn’t make a typo and then need to reset their password.

However, simply by adding a ‘show password’ checkbox or button so the user can check for spelling mistakes we remove the need for a second input.

In this case study they tested a traditional two input password approach control against a ‘show password’ button variation.


The control


The variation.

The results they made meant a:

  • 14.3% more visitors starting the form after visiting the page
  • A 56.3% increase in overall conversions
  • A 35.5% increase in the proportion of those who start the form completing it
  • A 23.9% decrease in the  number of corrections made in the form

CRO TIP: Test your password fields to find out if you can improve the efficiency and conversion rate with show password checkboxes or buttons.

Captchas are insulting and worrying

Harry Brignull said this about Captchas:

“Using a CAPTCHA is a way of announcing to the world that you’ve got a spam problem, that you don’t know how to deal with it, and that you’ve decided to offload the frustration of the problem onto your user-base. As statements go, that’s pretty lame.”

Ok so we don’t want to be lame and we certainly do not want to decrease our conversion rates.

Animoto a cool app for helping you make great videos ran a test on their sign up form below.


They ran the test until 99% confidence level was achieved. The form with a captcha converted at 48% whilst without it converted at 64%. A 33% increase in conversions!

CRO TIP: Test your forms with and without Captcha’s

Increase your conversion by converting your form inputs to html

We’re all looking for incremental improvements to our websites. So updating our forms to use html5 form input types just makes sense.

Have you ever used a website on your phone and noticed when asking for your email the @ sign is on the main keyboard.


Here is the mailchimp create account screen on mobile, they got it right!

This is because the developer had the foresight to use the ‘email’ form type.

<input type=”email” name=”email” />

The are a number of other examples we can use to improve the efficiency of filling out forms on mobile with specific inputs.

The URL input type includes a slash and a period.

<input type=”url” name=”url” />

The TEL input type brings up the telephone keypad.

<input type=”tel” name=”telephone” />

The number input type brings up the numeric keyboard and you can even set min or max values and step sequences.

<input type=”number” name=”number” min=”10″ max=”100″ step=”10″ value=”10″ />

CRO TIP: Try testing HTML5 form inputs to increase your mobile conversion rates and form efficiency.

Fewer form fields can mean unqualified leads

Everyone has heard reducing form fields means higher conversions and there are plenty of tests to prove it.

However it is important to test the quality of your leads within the success metrics of your conversions.

A short form just to get more conversions can mean you spend marketing dollars targeting the wrong people: poor quality leads. Ouch!

In this case study Kindercare increased their form fields, the variation added a ‘comments or questions’ textarea.


The control


The variation

The conversions remained stable and the lead quality increased.

CRO TIP: Make sure to measure and test your lead quality when optimizing the amount and types of data you collect.

Multistep forms vs Long Forms

When you have a lot of information to collect from your user, like in a checkout process. It is important to test a longer form on a single page against a multiple step form and see which performs better.

Because abandonment rates (the measure of visitors that begin the form process but do not complete the process) can be highly influenced by your form flow and layout.

In this case study for Pass4Sure they tested the use of a basket page and how combining it with the checkout process page affected conversions.

The shop sells downloadable exam software for the IT industry. The test ran for 5 weeks with 3300 transactions.


The control


The variation

As you can see in the variation they removed the basket page and included this inline at the top of the checkout process page.

The hypothesis stated, by removing the the basket page the visitors would go directly to the checkout process, see how short the form was and due to a reduced perceived friction the conversion rate would increase.

Conversions increased by 13.39% at 100% confidence level! The per visitor revenue went from $44.87 to $51.52, 14.82% increase. The annual revenue increase to the company was $744,000.

CRO TIP: Remember to test your longer form flows, try reducing steps or perceived friction. Look at your google analytics funnels or use paditrack to retroactively build funnels to see where users are dropping off in your multistep forms. Manually reconstruct funnels to check the accuracy of your data.

Vertical vs Horizontal Form Layout

We’ve looked at many factors and minutia that affect out forms elements and their conversion rates. Next we’ll dive deeper into the layout of those elements and learn what to test through a case study by Arenaturist. are one of the top hotel booking and resort chains in Croatia. They redesigned their website and in doing so tested how the layout of their booking engine form affected conversions.


The control


The variation

The A/B test made use of canonical tags, to stop Google indexing duplicate content and penalising the company in terms of SEO.

The variation conversion rate was 52% higher than the control.


CRO TIP: Test your forms layout and positioning and measure how it affects conversions, I also feel the control increased the form within the pages visual hierarchy so consider this during your redesign also.

Form Conversion Customer Development

A lot of companies do not have customer development cycles within their monthly conversion rate optimization processes. However, from my experience this is the most insightful and revealing part of conversion work!

Take aways from customer interviews and surveys are the best way to learn about your product/market fit and most importantly your customer and their frustrations.

Resources to find customers for your interviews

The first step to performing interviews with your customers or potential customers is actually finding them, not always that easy!

Here is a hit list of resources to plunder:

Adwords / Facebook Ads

Set up a simple landing page using launchrock and run some ads to drive fake trial sign ups.

Social Search

@mention people in your niche or people who post about your product or solution, start a relationship and then reach out to them via email.

Google Alerts / Buzzsumo Alerts

Set up google/buzzsumo alerts and use email outreach to build connections and set up interviews.

Ask for introductions from first degree contacts

People are generally open to connect you with their first degree contacts, but make it easier for them with this email template:

“Hey [Your connection]

I saw you know [Person you want to interview] on Linkedin. Would love to chat with him. Think he’d have some great insights about [Your niche].

Can you forward him/her the email below please?

Hey [Person you want to interview],

My good friend [Your name] found your LinkedIn account and wanted to chat about [Your niche].

[Your name] is awesome and definitely someone you should have in your inbox.

Anyways, I’ll let them follow up with more details.”

Offer existing customer an incentive

Message your email list and offer an incentive to existing customer to give you 20 mins of their time. Some people suggest offering incentives can devalue the results of the tests but more often than not the value of the feedback outweighs the few poor responses from people simply looking to cash out. You can also simply exclude these people from the data.

Cold call people you are targeting

Just google your niche in your local area and pick up the phone, worse case scenario is some abuse; best case is you get to sit down face to face for the interview. GOLD!

Ask for a referral

Getting people to spend time with you is hard, so leverage them the best you can. Ask them for friend or contacts you can interview too. This can even result in a new lead or customer!

Ask interview questions that enable listening

When creating your interview questions there are two main things to focus on. Behavioural study, what people do now, what their problems are and how they solve them. Feedback study, the user experience of your product.

Separate your questions into behavioural study and feedback

When writing your interview script start with questions that inquire about the personas current behaviours, problems and solutions.

Then ask about their experience with your service.

Understanding the distinction is key, if you have the resources these types of interviews are best served completely separately.

Then you have a more narrow focus of learning for the short interview time.

Create open questions

Don’t ask closed questions e.g.

Q: Would you recommend _____ to a friend or family?

A: Yes/No

What do you learn from the yes or no answer here? Nothing.

Q: Why would you recommend our services?

A: Learning!

Don’t ask rate us 1 out of 10 questions.

Q: How satisfied were you with the product/service (1-10)?

A: 6

What do you learn from the number 6? Nothing.

Q: What about the product/service did you like/dislike? (More specific questions are better around your assumed top three pain points/solutions.)

A: Learning!

CRO TIP: Conduct customer interviews to learn about your customers and their needs.

Customer & Exit Intent Surveys

A great way to learn about your visitors is to use Qualaroo. Qualaroo allows you to show customers surveys and questionnaires, helping you to dig deeper into their problems and reservations around your solution.


You can also be very specific in where the surveys are shown and under what circumstances.

They offer exit intent technology which causes the survey to be shown when the users mouse behaviour indicates they are about to bounce or exit the site.

This effectively gives you one more page view in an attempt to convert the user or find out why they chose to leave.

When surveying customers it is important to understand which customers you are targeting, this is directly related to their stage in the buying process.

They could be a first time visitor that bounced, a repeat customer or a whale in your system, hey big spender!

We are trying to understand why they buy, how, how they think and their reservations.

Segmenting your surveys and surveying different questions to different user profiles can enable much deeper and more personalized learning. This then enables more of a segmented and personalized marketing approach.

We know when you go niche and specific, conversions are easier to get.

Find the big leaks in your conversion bucket and plug them with Qualaroo

It is good to show surveys all over the website, don’t show them multiple times to people in a short time period however this can be annoying.

A really great location for surveys is on the pages with the highest traffic and bounce rates, your exit pages.

These pages represent the biggest holes in your funnel and can hopefully offer some deep learning.

You can find this data in google analytics under Behaviour > Site Content >  Exit Pages


Now ask more specific survey questions, aligned with the one main task or goal you want the user to complete on the page.

For example:

If the page was a product page in a online sports shop about a specific tennis racket, you could ask them something specific to tennis or finding the best racket for them.

The idea is to learn about their buying process and thinking when choosing a shop, brand, model etc.

Invert what you learn from interviews and surveys and turn it into marketing copy

Once you’ve collated all your qualitative feedback from the interviews and surveys look for patterns or recurring frustrations or reservations around the form conversion.

It is important to not only listen and address recurring themes but also to use the exact language and phrasing your customers use to speak to them directly.

In this case study Officedrop used Kissinsights to survey customers on their saas pricing page.

They knew visitors spent a long time on their pricing page and it was a high exit page too.

The question asked: “Is our pricing clear?”


They showed a textarea after the multiple choice question above.

The recurring theme they found was the difference between their new products and plans were not clear on the pricing page.

They made copy edits to the pricing page, the A/B test showed a 15% increase in conversions compared to before the edits and they saw a 10.5% increase in customers saying the pricing was now clear to them.

Other qualitative data points to consider would be site walkthroughs (browser and device testing), usability evaluations and heuristic analysis.

CRO TIP: Use learnings from your qualitative surveys to generate ideas for continuous development and a/b/ testing, remember to prioritize your tests.

Copywriting your form

Write benefit driven form headlines

In this well known case study 37Signals redesigned their homepage, A/B testing a more benefit driven headline.

The original headline was:

“The better way to get projects done.”

The variation was:

“Manage projects better with Basecamp”

The word manage seems to be more explicit and benefit focussed than ‘done’ which is quite loose and open for interpretation.

The new design increased CTR to the signup page by 14%, there were many other factors in the redesign as well as the headline that could of affected conversions.

CRO TIP: Test your headline with more benefit driven wording.

Test personalized call to action button copy

When copywriting for your form the title and the call to action button are very important. The call to action is the decisive point at which someone bounces or converts.

The title and button communicate the purpose of your form, what happens after the user completes it and hopefully provide a call to action too.

In this case study they tested a personalized button copy variation against a control.

The button copy was also more benefit focused, they removed the phone number also.


The control


The variation

The variation, written in the first person lifted conversions by 24% with a 98% confidence.

Like with any copywriting make sure the text is concise, simple (no technical jargon) and friendly!

This is a great resource from Android on copywriting for their platform, but the rules can applied to any copywriting.

CRO TIP: Test which person the copy of your buttons are written in, remember to tie button text back to the form title. Make the copy more user focussed or personalized.

Remove reservations or worries inline with the form

The insights we learned from the customer interviews and surveying can provide the best copywriting ammunition.

Take the customers biggest worries, the ones that stop them from converting and remove their reservations inline next to the form.

A lot of times you see websites have FAQ sections, this is bad because the user has to leave the funnel to answer their questions and may bounce or not come back to the point of conversion. This supporting copy should be inline next to the form so it can help push them down the funnel.

Supporting the conversion

Use supporting images and copy alongside form elements

We often overlook small conversion points such as checkbox copy and styling.

In this case study Wilder Funnel investigated the impact of bolding type and using supporting images next to checkboxes to increase checkbox opt-ins.


The control


The variation

As you can see in the variation the copy has been addressed to be more benefit focused, the text bolded and a supporting image used next to the checkbox opt-in.

The variation increased checkbox opt-in conversions by 12%.

CRO TIP: Don’t underestimate smaller elements of your forms and their importance. A/B test your checkboxes copy and try supporting the conversion with images related to the checkbox subject. Remember to also collect behavioral data using tools like crazyegg heatmaps and scroll maps to see how users are interacting with your forms.

Testimonials can prove you credibility

Having a past customer or user say good things about your business seems like an old school thing to do.

When designing your forms consider testing the inclusion of a testimonial inline with the form or call to action.

In this case study Wikijob tested the addition of a case study within their landing page copy.


The control


The variation

The addition of testimonials to this section increased sales by 34%. This shows how important social proof can be in proving credibility around a service or product.

CRO TIP: Test testimonials and other forms of social proof inline or within your forms and measure conversion changes.

Do not use what I call ‘halt’ words near your call to action

The inclusion of privacy messages to your opt-in forms is thought to build trust with the user around data privacy fears and concerns.

However sensible this sounds, as with anything in conversions we need to test to make sure ‘best practice’ holds true in our own individual cases. There are no rules set in stone!

In this case study by Content Verve, they tested adding a privacy message that read: “100% privacy – we will never spam you!” it caused conversions to fall by 18.70% with a statistical significance of 96%; Ouch!


My theory is that the word “spam” could have caused negative connotations in the users minds and prevented them from converting.

The second half of the test illustrates how important it is to keep testing, continuous improvement.

The next test copy was “We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will not be shared.” The control included no privacy message.


This second test increased their signups by 19.47%.

This suggests that the phrasing of your privacy statement can have a serious impact on conversions.

CRO TIP: Make sure to test your privacy policy wording and inclusion of it at all! Ensure that you do not use ‘halt’ words and make the feeling an overall positive one.

Designing a high converting form

We’ve learnt about efficiency, customer development and copywriting. Now we can design our form keeping in mind a couple more case studies. Are you ready?

Visual hierarchy can make or break your conversions

Visual hierarchy is the order in which we see and perceive elements in a design.

I know what you are thinking, make the call to action button huge!


Just because an elements is big, doesn’t make it the most prominent part of the design.

You can also use contrast, colour, density and white space to influence how people perceive a design.

In this case study we see how contrast makes this call to action stand out and increases it’s position in the visual hierarchy of the page to affect conversions.


It doesn’t matter that the button colour is red or green, it is that the rest of the page elements and logo use green and therefore red is contrasting and stands out in comparison.

They use the context of the page, leveraging contrast and colour to increase the buttons visibility.

CRO TIP: Ensure the most important task you want your user to complete on each page is high up in the pages visual hierarchy.

Leverage visual cues to guide your reader to the call to action

In this case study the make use of the F-Shaped  pattern of eye movement to direct the user through four steps finally landing on the call to action.

The F-Shaped pattern for reading web content is an eye tracking study that shows that users often read websites in the shape of a big letter F, see below.


Here are the details.


The control


The variation

The concept behind the test was that by swapping the call to action and testimonial placement, the user would follow the steps title – quotation – action (due to the f-shaped reading pattern, see below) Read and understand more of the benefits before being presented with the call to action and therefore increase conversions.

The variation increased conversions 35.6%.

CRO TIP: Test visual order of your page elements and how they relate to your form or call to action.


Improving the conversion rate of your forms is no mean feat, but as long as you apply the ideas learned here you’ll be well on your way to some great test ideas and hopefully higher conversion rates.

Remember to use UX best practices and employ customer development to aid in copywriting for your forms. Support your form conversion with benefit driven headlines and supporting images and social proof.

And don’t forget, higher conversions does not always mean better quality leads.

Make sure to follow a conversion rate optimization process, follow best practice but test your variations against a control. There are no hard and fast rules in conversions!

Now it is time to increase your conversions

Your forms can have awesome conversion rates too…

…but you need to put into practice what you have read.

I’ve put together an exclusive bonus area with three free resources to help improve your forms conversion rates.

What you get:

Ecommerce UX

Landing Page Optimization Checklist

Why you need Landing Pages

Landing pages allow you to become laser focused on one action that you want the user to perform, an action directly related to your business goals and profits.

With landing pages you can direct users and help them get on their way much more quickly and with a higher success rate than when simply using the dreaded homepage landing page dun dun derrr.

Landing pages allow you to create a custom destination for segments of your audience. Optimizing experiences to their exact needs and wants. Like traffic from pay-per-click ads, with unique pages for different keyword groups or social networks. Different keywords and social networks drive users with different intent at different stages of the buying process that require segmented marketing approaches.

You can also offer different options of your product or services to different customer bases. Not all customers will find every single offer appealing.

Business Goals & Understanding Your Customer

Just like any type of marketing, landing page creation starts with the customer. The more you understand about the customer and their feelings, the more likely you’ll be able to sell to them.

The best place to start learning about your customer is FROM YOUR CUSTOMERS!

So speak with your existing customers and ask them.

  1. What were their three biggest pain points?
  2. How were they solving them before taking up your services?
  3. What was the process that transformed them from interested prospects into paying customers?
  4. What do your customers value or care about?

Create personas or profiles of your best customers so you have a human to reference when creating all marketing strategies. Consider psychographics not just demographics. People buy because of deeper and more meaningful reasons than they are 40, white and live in Chicago.

Think about:

  • Aspirations — What they want to accomplish
  • Attitudes — What are their feelings and values
  • Lifestyles — How they choose to live, including work, family and personal life

Get this Persona Creation Template as part of the free checklist download pack.


When creating landing pages focus on the customers problems and desired actions not your products specifications

What is their desired action? What is their source of traffic, what does this tell us about their intent? Users need to be told what to do, where to go and how.

Here is some further reading for getting your customer development right

Understanding where your lead is in the buying process.

Having landing pages for each of the steps is vital to capturing the largest share of targeted customers no matter where they are in the buying process. By understanding their position in the process you can better understand their mind state and intent and how to speak to them directly.



The customer is just finding out about your brand. At this point you purely want to add value and answer the users questions. Leverage any trust from the referring website by co branding.


So they know who you are but are not necessarily ready to buy. List benefits in the form of bullet points. Benefit driven copy will rock their socks clean off!


They are now seriously considering you as an option. It is time to show the security seals and transaction safety seals and give them comfort. Try to alleviate any concerns or reservations the user may have.


So they have chosen your service or product.

Don’t wait until they’ve finished checking out to let them know what will happen with their purchase. Delivery times, costs, returns, make sure to answer any FAQ’s before the point of purchase.


This is where you get compared directly with your competitors. Focus on your UVP or unique value proposition here. Don’t try to bash your competitors but be loud and proud of what makes you stand out.


Post purchase the customer still needs some love. Keep them up to date on happenings around their order. Customer service does not end ever if you want return business.

User Intent

What did the user want when landing on the page?

You need to extend the gap between the users intent and your page. For example if someone is booking a car, “cheap car rental”, they may be at the beginning of the buying process. However if they search for “car rental washington dc june” then they more than likely have dates and location sets in their mind. A good opportunity to up sell them hotels and activities.

Airbnb do this with their transactional emails, up selling relevant upgrades. Context is GOD!

airbnb upsell cro

What causes a conversion

Everyone focuses on their product and company when doing marketing creative. But you need to focus on the customer and see things from their point of view.

The benefits

Rather than listing the features, list the benefits. Understand what the root motivations are being the purchase that cause people to buy and include them in your landing page. The benefits of Gumroad are higher conversions, lower fees and more customer control!



Address reservations, what is the most scary and unknown thing about your product or service, make sure you address these worries and fears.

Shopify is a platform for creating online stores. They realised people were scared they would not have the tech chops to make a store so they addressed this in their copy from the get go. Creating a website can be daunting so they let users know that ‘Shopify is perfect for beginners’ and ‘You don’t need to have any technical or design experience.’



Use time as a motivator. a website for printing business cards let’s visitor know if they order before midnight they will print the next day. This makes you more likely to buy as you feel rushed to hit the deadline.



To use the scarcity tactic, you need to convince people if they don’t act now they’ll miss the offer or supplies will run out. Expedia uses this tactic through listing “Only 3 Tickets Left At This Price”. By being transparent about the number of seats left Expedia leverages a psychological trigger to make you pay without delay.


Social Proof

People are way more likely to take your desired action if you backup your claims with proof. Relative and tangible proof. This can be customer testimonials, logos of well known companies you work with or impressive stats. Lead pages shows their internal stats and figures to imbue trust.


Another great and recently more popular way to display social proof is by embedding a great testimonial from twitter. This makes the quote very authentic and impossible more or less to fake if the account has stature.

A study showed that 70% of Americans read product reviews before purchasing. So it is clearly in your best interest to be transparent about what your customers say and get the product right so they say the right thing.

Before and after photos

Results are rarely as impressive as the journey towards that result. If you got a six pack I would say well done, if you were really really fat ten months ago and NOW you have a six pack. Holly shit! That is amazing. Before and after photos also let you control the journey. You use the skyscraper technique to make your offer look overwhelmingly better the the alternative or current state.

Learn more about before and after phycology here from Derek Halpern of Social Triggers

Landing Pages Are Like People

When we first meet somebody new, we unconsciously think about whether we like or dislike that person for no real reason.

Humans tend to trust people with confidence more, who have positive body language and who speak calmly and directly. We are less trusting of those who appear weak or nervous and sadly those you don’t look too hot.

People’s reaction to your landing pages are just the same. You need to imbue trust, speak calmly and look great to convince and convert.


Story Framework

Great copywriting relies heavily on story telling ability. Here is a framework for constructing your next story:

  • Statement of uniqueness
  • Backed up with a supporting statement to establish credibility
  • Expand on the experience
  • And explain how you solve a pain point
  • Close with urgency to encourage a call-to-action click

Don’t sell your product

The point of your landing page is not to sell your product, but to sell your visitor on your product.

The first is about saying your product rocks, its features and which competitors don’t have them, and its purchase price available today for a bargain.

The later is talking about the changes it makes in someones life, how much time and frustration it will save and how its feature set makes it intuitive and easy to use.

Do I want to read more?

Ask yourself if it makes you want to read on, for instance if you we’re selling running shoes.

Make the sweat sting their eyes. Get their heart thumping so loud it’s all they hear besides their feet hitting the ground and the quiet voice whispering “you’re almost there.”

Exclamation marks

Don’t use exclamation marks. People won’t take action because you shout at them. Cheap!!! this doesn’t make people think your product is any cheaper. It will just make them not trust you.

Imagine you can only use 2 exclamation marks a year, make them last.


Every element of your landing page refers or supports your core value proposition. If the copy is not directly supporting your goals get rid of it and rewrite it.

Be audience appropriate

If you are copywriting for a spa don’t use aggressive language. If you offer funeral services don’t use exclamation marks at the end.

Don’t write an essay

To paraphrase Steve Krug (author of “Donʼt Make Me Think”), cut your copy in half and then throw away half of whatʼs left.


Headlines are one of the key ingredients to your page, in the split second your visitor decides if they will bounce or stay the headline and hero image are two of the few things they care to glance at. So headlines must be crafted and tested extensively. Spend half the entire time you spend on copy on your headline and the first paragraph. Often people suggest just the headline, but peoples bullshit detectors are great so make sure the first few sentences tell them what they get if they keep reading too.

The headline should use value driven and actionable words, don’t talk about your product but speak to the users problem emotionally. It is also best practice to use a sub header to list a benefit of completing the desired task.

headline cro bounce exchange

Don’t use words like I or we, use words like you or my. Speak to the user not about yourself.

Here are some option when creating a benefit and value driven headline:

1. Differentiation

Explain why your customers should buy from you instead of someone else.

2. Specifics

Give details of the benefits eg. “You’ll lose 2% body fat in 6 months or your money back”.

3. Relevancy

Tell how your service will fix the users problem in a way that they can relate to.

Information Gaps

Opening an information gap in your headline can also draw the reader in, humans naturally want to close these loops.

information gap

Headline Frameworks

Here are some frameworks for writing great headlines, the idea is to replace the bracketed text with your company related copy.

The Only Way to [Do Something Desirable] Without [Doing Something Undesirable]

eg. Task Rabbit – The only way to Get errands done without doing them yourself

[Do Something Hard] in [Period of Time] or [Promise]

eg. Tune Your Piano in 15 Minutes or “Piano Tuner App” Is Free

[Do Something Desirable] Like [an Expert] Without [Something Expected & Undesirable]

eg. Learn to Play Chess Like Bobby Fischer – Without Any of the Crazy!

Another great tip for writing headline copy that I learned from Brian Dean of is to search for your topic in google and looks at the ad headlines in the sidebar on the right. These have probably been optimized a lot, especially for expensive keywords. So they are already a great place to start.

Headline Dont’s

Do not:

1. Create a Slogan

Make a slogan, this is just more ego massaging and talking about yourself. ps most slogans suck, get rid of them they don’t feel authentic.

2. Blow your own trumpet

This is not an opportunity to boast or tell the world how great you are, unless it is social proof.

3. Use Positioning

“Best ribs this side of the mississippi”, this doesn’t mean anything and is purely opinion based.


Just because it is a landing page and even if the text content is minimal does not mean you need to forget about on page SEO. Whatever your site wide strategy is employ it here also.

Here is a list of some things to consider.

1. Page Title Double Ranking

Make sure the keyword you are trying to rank for is in the page title, and preferably at the beginning of the title. Placement is very important here. You can also combine long tail keyword phrases with the main keyword you are trying to rank with for a double ranking effort.

For example if your title was ‘Ecommerce SEO Case Study’ you could try rank for ‘Ecommerce SEO’ and ‘SEO Case Study’.

Ensure the keyword is in the meta description (make sure it is less than 156 characters for it all to fit on google), page URL and spread around in the content; but watch out for the keyword density 5% would be too much.

2. HTML Tags

Make sure the keyword is in the H1 article headline and in the first paragraph of the page. I also try to ensure it is one H2 tag.

Your media should be optimized for SEO, alt tags for images with the keyword and the image file name with the keyword in also.

3. Speed & Relevant content

Having outbound links to relevant content is also a relevancy signal to google, so link to great content on your topic.

Finally fast loading pages are also a factor google considers.

Design Theory


Sometimes some colours convert better than others. But as with anything in CRO there are no universal rules. You can point to case studies that say certain colours convert better than other; like this one by hubspot. But the truth is you have to test. Visual heirachy and contrast are the best places to start. But nothing will finish the argument unless you follow a tried and tested conversion rate optimization process.

Directional Cues

conversion optimization directional cues

Faces are great for eye tracking, and humans will follow the direction of a persons eyes within an image. This allows you to lead the user to look toward the cta or product. You’ll notice in this example the woman’s focal direction heavily influences the eye tracking data results.


A university study showed that websites were perceived as more appealing, having warmth or social presence and as more trustworthy when they included human faces. Include people in your landing pages.


A case study by the national library of medicine showed that photographs increase trust. Even when they are not relevant to the subject.

When making quick judgements (like when landing on a page and deciding whether to bounce or not (not in a street slang way) ) photos increase the chance of us accepting truth. Trust is a huge phycological factor in conversions. Therefore we want it!

The study showed when asked if a celebrity was dead the students were more likely to accept that it was a fact when the name was accompanied with a photo.

Some say this is why e book companies such as kindle photoshop fake versions of books on their pages, even though the book is fake. It makes it of a higher value and more legitimate in the buyers mind.


Ensuring fonts are easy to read is huge for conversions. Click laboratory ran a test by increasing their body copy from 10px to 13px.

The result of the test was impressive. This simple test improved the bounce rate by 10%, the site exit rate by 19%, pages per visit by 24%, and an impressive 133% improvement in form conversion rate.

Layout – Observe, Remove, Repeat

Ensure the primary site navigation is stripped out, removes distractions and additional elements to click on and should help with conversions.

Remember the famous advert that had one button that said “don’t click me”. Apart from being impossible not to click there was also no other competing information on the page. As your design your layout step back and look at it from a distance and ask yourself if there too many elements fighting for attention.


Add social share buttons to your pages, people aren’t sharing because they care. Sharing to their personal timelines extends their online persona by demonstrating content that represents their personality and beliefs. Think of the last thing you shared. It was probably to show off that you know about tech or futuristic stuff or maybe even CRO…

Landing pages are also killer for social, some businesses use multiple facebook fan pages or twitter accounts for different user segments. Segmentation allows more narrow and effective marketing.


Form length

Your form does not need to be short or long to be effective, it just needs to be relevant to the goals of the page. So if you want a lot of contact form completions have a very short form, but the quality of of your leads will be reduced. If you want higher quality leads make the form length appropriate to the page goals.

At the same time don’t ask for information you do not need, it is also good sometimes to add a privacy policy link over the email input next to the label.

A recipe for a sexy form

Headline: Introduce the reason to complete the form

Description: Bullet points to highlight the benefits and contents of what you’re giving away upon completion

Form fields: Original label names and questions can capture attention

Call To Action: Linked back to the PPC add, email, and landing page and form title

Trust Statements: Security badges and seals

Closing Statement: Close with an urgent message and context enhancement statement


Enable your forms for progressive profiling for return visitors.

Call To Action

Copywriting your call to action copy is super important. A good process is to write down exactly what will happen when the button is clicked, then write those words on the button. Here are some more tips:

Actionable words

Add actionable words like ‘get’ at the start of the button copy to heighten the idea of receiving something.

Use MY not YOUR

Personalise the connection by adding my instead of your. And use time dependant words like NOW to get people to click TODAY.

Personalize / Localize the CTA

So if the person is being asked to call a number, give them a toll free one or use geo location for local codes.


Keep your CTA the same or consistent from the point of acquisition, whether through ppc or email to the final cta on the landing page.

Tie button labels back to their action

You can do this anytime you use buttons. Rather than just having a save button at the end of a form, the button could read “Submit Form” or whatever element you are going to save. When saving a deal in Highrise the button label says “Save this deal.” Very good copywriting.


Often people presume video improves conversion rate, because of the few high profile wins in CRO from video. In some cases especially if the audience is older, for instance if you are selling wheelchairs to seniors, then video can be overwhelming and cause high bounce rates. Again there is no one rule.

Wistia Turnstile

Wistia the video marketing company added a great feature for email capture which is called the turnstile, learn more here:

The thing to keep in mind is will video enhance the ux, short videos which are very much like a sales pitch or advert can really hurt it. Again, don’t sell too hard upfront, landing pages are just like any other marketing.


Landing pages for ecommerce websites often try to push the sale too early. Offering categorization and options within the scope of the users search intent is a great way to drive sales without closing the buyers options too early.


You need to track the core business goal or success metric of the landing page. You need to make your goals are DUMB as Avinash Kaushik says. Doable, understandable, manageable, beneficial.

It is important not only to track data but to make it available to everyone at all times. Compile regular reports and let the whole team access them through the shared drive. Failure to do so can cause loss of useful ideas from people who spot problems you might have missed.

Some key metrics to watch out for are:

Bounce rate

It tells you the percentage of people that exit page without one click 🙁

Time to convert

This lets you understand how slowly or fast a visitor converts. Cheaper products convert faster in general as they are not considered purchases. Adjust your landing page and visitor paths accordingly. For something very expensive it is better to use the landing page to employ a drip email course rather than trying in any way to sell at this point in the buying process.

Beware of averages in analytics, if you look at a stat and ask yourself, what will I do differently next time and draw a blank, it is probably not actionable and therefore is useless.

Conversions per segment

Look at conversions per source, you will then start to understand how you’re different channels and paths to sales should be treated differently.

Google Analytics

Some key metrics to track.

1. URL Destination

This allows you to set a success destination that counts as one conversion if someone reaches the page, like a thank you page for an opt in.

2. Visit Duration

Let’s you see the time the user spent on the page, longer times indicate more successful content

3. Page/Visit

Similar to visit duration but it counts the number of pages per visit. Great for multi step forms like when signing up for insurance.

4. Referrer

Which traffic source brings the most conversions, not traffic, but converted traffic

Eye Tracking

If you can afford it eye tracking reports can give great insight into how people use the page and where they scroll to. If your CTA is not above the fold then I bet your scroll map shows that some people don’t quite get to see it.

Prioritise Your Optimization Tasks

When choosing which tests to perform we must first understand the time and cost implications of running each test and their resultant value. We can then choose first the tests with the least cost and highest return.

Here is a test score sheet you can use. Get the spreadsheet in the pack download.


I’ll explain each column:

Test Duration

How long it takes for the test to reach statistical significance, shorter tests score higher.

Ease of Execution

The easier a test is to implement the higher it should score.

Business Impact

How much will this test change the business. The business! Not the conversion rate, not the revenue but the profit, the business. Big changes score high.

Cost of Advertising

How much will it cost to drive traffic to this page. If it is all organic traffic then a higher score is more appropriate, if it is expensive high competition keywords score it lower.

Overall the task or idea that scores highest in first in line to be implemented.

Now you have a framework to rank and prioritise your tasks.

Traffic Segmentation

This is simply meaning split your traffic that comes from different places online. For example, people from Google+ might want something more in depth whereas tumblr uses love a gif. Knowing your traffic segments, where they’re originating from and what they expect can provide you with awesome information on making landing pages that feel as if they were custom built just for that particular user.

If you have more than one user type, for instance if you are a platform like Airbnb. Use different destinations for each of the personas. Here you can see they have an alternate page for the people that rent out their apartments to the renters.


If you’re different users are segmented geographically you can use geo-targeting to dynamically change page content to fit that segment. This can be tricky with google analytics however.

Co branded pages can improve conversions, if traffic is driven from a partner website show their logo to build trust with your customer segment.


Employ social media segmentation – understand the narrative and lingo of a network, the reasons why people use it and you’ll market to them much more effectively. For example Pinterest is an aspirational network, beautiful imagery and deep desires. Perhaps rethink your landing page image for pinterest traffic, ensure it is of the best quality and inspires. 

Top Tips For Landing Page Optimization

Don’t repeat old mistakes, write down the errors you made in your last iteration or even for a different landing page. These will serve you well as you start to build a library of do’s and dont’s.

I know it is basic, but please check for typos.

Don’t bait and switch, if you promise people something in an ad; don’t give them something else on the landing page. Unless you like bounce rates that make you feel ill.

Never, ever, even if your Prince use music, ever. No.

Don’t use landing pages for broad marketing, the more specific and niche you can be the better optimized and effective the page can be. An inch wide and a mile deep.

What not to do

Sell Sell Sell

This is not the time to sell your product details or specs, give the user what they were looking for immediately and make sure your offer is very relative to their problem.

Ask for Emails without good cause

Don’t just give away something free and ask for an email, marketing has evolved beyond this so catch up.

Push for a sale

This is probably their first encounter with the brand so don’t shove them down the funnel, add value and think about the customers first impressions with your brand.

Build once and forget

Marketing has to evolve with changes to the marketplace and customer needs. Always, always be testing and LISTENING to your customers so that their problems and pain points become your marketing copy.

The “CRO Pinboard Post”

Landing pages should be able to pass the fixation test, a few seconds glance should reveal to the user the pages intent and where to click. This is also swapped with the blurred eyed test, where the tester blurs their eyes and points out where they are supposed to click.

In the ‘CRO Pinboard Post’ test print off your latest landing page design and stick it on the wall in your office, then stick a piece of paper with a pencil attached with string to the other end of the wall. Ask people to glance at it as they walk by and write on the paper with the string and pencil what they saw and where they would click.

The point here is that your CTA should more or less hit people in the face and the Headline copy and image should explain  enough of the page that a quick glance allows users to get it straight away. A split second is all you have before you’re seeing those nasty high bounce rates!

Help someone out

I hope you found some new approaches to Landing Page Optimization in this checklist. Do you have a friend, client or teacher who could benefit from or use this article? If yes, share it with them now. Don’t forget to download the checklist so next time you design and implement a kick ass landing page you can be sure not to miss any of the tips above.